Chapter 4 • Scared

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After another week of being in hospital I was let out with strict orders to not bend over or strain my back and such. I would have thought Id be in there longer, but I guess not.

So far the werewolves are being kept in bound areas, which their alpha has agreed to. One of them being the foredt I always go through. Humans are forbidden from entering them till a resolve is made.

School has been cancled, they want to incorporate the wolf teens in, but some parents are refusing and about to hold a revolution. Its not like they could win, those wolves are probably hundreds of tikes stronger than we are.

I sit on the couch, not bothering to go upstairs. Ever simce the incident my parents have been very against werewolves. They believe the eolves should all burn in hell for eternity. As for me, I dont know. What that alpha said is making me think deep and hard.

But me not being able to do it just extends from my newly developed fear. Who knows what will happen, I dont. This is the first thing where I dont want to know what happens.

I wonder how the wolves feel. Do they hate us? Or accept us? Whats so different about them besides the obvious.

I turn around to look at the door when I hear a loud knock. I bite my lip, not wanting to get up, but the door was locked. "W-who is it?" I ask out of curiousity. If it's  somebody not worth it, thwn I wont let them in.

"Its Alpha Frew and some human guards," he states calmly. "Im here to talk again."

I grit my teeth together, getting up and off the couch very sluggishly. My fingers graze the lock for a moment before I unlock the door, opening it. "What is it this time?" I ask in a serious tone, my current intensions are to stay isolated in my house, not socialize.

"May we come in?" He asks in very polite tone. I nod, stepping to the side to let all these people in. If my parents were home, Id be dead meat. Theyd probably kill the alpha themselves.

They sit down on the couch, leaving me a chair to sit in. I look around at all the people, four US guards, the alpha, and somebody else I dont know.

It was quiet for a minute before he decided to speak again. "Once again I am very sorry what happened to you. We are not like that and we would like you to prove we are humane, as you call it," he says, making hand motions.

I fold my hands in my lap, looking down at them. "I told you, I cant," I repeat what I said a week ago. Is he not taking me seriously? I dont want to risk my life, that includes my social life. Id get so much hate itd be ridiculous! People might try and even kill me.

He lets out a small sigh, "I thought you would say that, but Id like you to at the least meet my son," he motions to the guy next to him.

The same hieght as his dad, he stood up to shake my hand. I back into my chair indiscomfort. He notices and sits down, looking at the floor. "Alison, this is Braydo, the next alpha in line," he says, patting Braydon's back.

He looks up at me with familiar green eyes and my eyes widen a bit, "H-hi," I stutter, trying to process my thoughts. That wolf in the woods I met was a werewolf, and I treat it like dog. I dont know if I should be terrified or embarassed right now.

The alpha smiles, as if knowing something. "My proposition for ypu is to live with my son for one month. Just one month, and report to your people on your views of us," he says, clapping one.

I never asked him, so why did he feel the need to tell me all of that? I dont want to do it. Nice one second, beast the next.

Braydon coughs, catching my attention, "We know that you dont want to. Really dont want to, but please give it at least a week," he says, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. I feel like his father forced him to say that.

"Im sorry, but my parents wouldnt aprove anyways," I say, feeling a little bad. Only a little bit though.

The alpha groans, "The president can tell them its an order of peace. It is your choice Alison," says the alpha.

Everybody looks at me with curious eyes. They all want to know what Im going to do. Diss the world and save myself, or try and not create a revolution. Im selfish, but I dont want that.

"One week, thats all," I say, gripping onto my pyjama pants. Braydon looks up at me with a shocked face, so does the alpha. Obviously this js bot what they were expecting.

Suddenly the alpha smiles, "Wonderful, we will make arrangememt for you to come to our pack house. Braydon will stay here until we get the president's approval," he speaks fast and in a joyful tone.

The alpha stands up and leaves, all of the guards following him. Guess he was considered the threat.

Braydon stands up and walks over to me, making me shy away. "Hey, dont worry, I just want handshake," he says, holding out his hand. "Its nice to meet you Alison," he smiles.

I frown, "Please tell me you arent that wolf," I say. If he doesnt know what Im talking about, then Ill just say never but..

He squarts down a bit so we could see eye to eye for once, "I didnt think youd notice."

My face turns a deep shade of red and I turn away from him, "Yeah, well, it means nothing." My words sounded extremely confusing, but he seemed to understand me.

"Im sorry," he begins. I turned around, looking at him from the side. "Im sorry for snapping at you when you wanted to take a picture. I just didnt want people to come after me," he says sincerely.

I nod, "Its alright I guess. Sorry for taking a picture of you," I mumble shyly. My fingers play together as I continue to feel embarassed.

Braydon smiles, "So, what do you humans do for fun?"


Probably the most obvious thing in the world, but oh well.

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