Chapter One

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"Oh my god, Elena! The hottest man of our generation sat next to you and said hi! You lucky bitch," Tyler said to me, pouting his lips as he did so. I scoffed at his exclamation, rummaging through my locker for needed homework for tonight.

"First of all, he didn't even get my name right. And secondly, he's an egotistical player that will dispose of me once he's bored. I'm no fool for his good looks and undeniable charm." Hoisting my heavy backpack, filled with numerous textbooks and homework, I slung it over my shoulder. I slammed my locker shut, causing Tyler to jump a bit.

"Well if he swung like me, I'd totally hit him up...if you know what I mean." I smacked his arm playfully, laughing along at his comment.

"Tyler, my gosh, I love you." I nudged his side, resulting in him shoving me back with more force, a teasing smile forming on his lips.

"Yeah I guess I love you too. I mean, What would I do without my favorite side hoe?" He winked, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

Ever since he came out to me later in September, we've been inseparable. He told me when I had just confessed I had a crush on him. It was awkward at first, but once we got over the little road bump, our friendship had strengthened immensely. I think most know he is gay, by now, but he isn't super open about it. This is most likely due to the fact that his dad still doesn't know. His mom does, though, and is super supportive, but he's too scared to tell his dad. Plus, I know some of the guys at school are jerks and tend to tease him.

"Woah what? I thought I was the side hoe?" Our other close friend, Brynn Rowen, said, walking up alongside us as we made out way out of the school. Her blonde curls bounced as her little legs tried to keep up with us. She was the cute one of our little trio with her shorter stature and innocent look.

"No're my main honey. You're too sweet to be a side hoe." Tyler looked at her, giving her as easy smile. It was undeniable that he was easily a charmer. If Vincent did swing his way, they'd be perfect for each other.

"Hold up. Are you saying I'm not sweet?" We walked out towards the parking lot as I whined.

Tyler let out a laugh before giving me another side hug. "I can only have one main honey. Plus, you're the one that said you were my side hoe."

We all laughed as we walked over to the cars. I noticed my sister, Nicole, sitting in her parked car, patiently waiting for me.

After saying a quick goodbye to Tyler and Brynn, who both hopped into Tyler's car, I made my way to the little black bug. Or as Nicole called it, "Lil BB". Opening up the passengers side, I was met with the view of Nicole scrolling through her phone. She probably was going through her instagram, knowing her.

"Hey Mack!" Nicole piped up, glancing up from her phone to me. Since my middle name is Mack, she has always called me by that instead of Elena, and I call her Nick. Together we are Mack and Nick. I don't know why we call each other that, but it's something we've been doing for years now. We even have our own youtube channel that has about five hundred followers.

"How was school?" I heard her ask me as I buckled my seat. I gave her a look and noticed that a smirk was apparent on her lips. Almost knowing something interesting happened with me today.

I replied with a shrug while rolling my eyes. She caught on to my negative attitude.

"Ooo something happened. Tell me!" She squealed with excitement in her eyes.

"Well...for starters I tripped in the hallway right in front of half my grade...then Mr. Willem gave me a C on my Social Studies assignment for the fifth time this week...oh, and stupid Vince said hi to me and then-"

"Wait wait wait...Vince? Is he new?" Nicole asked, confusion written on her face. She took a left down the street towards the grocery store, indicating we were going to get a few groceries before heading home.

"Wait? I said Vince, didn't I? I meant Vincent." I replied while slapping my palm on my forehead. That's become a habit, me calling him Vince and people getting confused. The reason why they get confused is because no one and I mean NO ONE gives him a nickname.

"No way! What did he say?" she asked with her attention solely on me once she had parked the car in the Grover Grocery Store parking lot. I noticed how her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"He just said hi but said your name instead of mine. He probably got us confused."

She quirked an eyebrow at my response. "He said my name? Weird. Well, you got the school's baddest boy to somewhat acknowledge you. Pretty exciting." She slipped out of the car before I could protest to how it wasn't exciting at all. It actually sucked to be honest. Once I got out of the car, I walked over to her.

"You know he's not only a bad boy, but he's also a player. I don't go for hot jerks like him."

She smirked at me as we made our way into the store. "You just called him hot." I lightly shoved her before storming off towards the aisle with the chips. My favorite aisle to be exact.

I scanned the shelves for my favorite jalapeno cheetos, but, just my luck, they were out of stock. Stupid store. Stupid day. Stupid Vincent Orlando. Stupid stupid stupid!

"What's stupid, El?" I heard a familiar voice pipe up from behind me. I sharply turned around, nearly jumping from the sudden scare. I didn't realize I had said the last part out loud.

"Shit! You freaking scared me!" I exclaimed, not realizing that a mom and her two daughters heard my vulgar proclamation. The mom gave me a dirty look before pushing the cart with her two kids away from the aisle in a hurry.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Thought you'd be the one girl in this school that doesn't have a potty mouth." He playfully scolded me, his vibrant green eyes lighting up with mischief just like in the classroom earlier today.

"Yeah. Well. You thought wrong. Why are you here, Vince?" I crossed my arms in a somewhat 'sassy' manner, narrowing my eyes at him. Although it was hard to, as his face could make anyone smile.

'I'm not going to give in,' I kept repeating in my head.

"Family's gotta eat. I assume you're here for the same reason?" He smirked while stepping closer towards me. I wasn't going to back down from my 'supposed' badass stance.

I began to walk away, rolling my eyes like I always do. "Mhm. Yeah. I need to go find Nicole so if you'll excuse m-" A hand on my arm made me cut my sentence short. I turned around, trailing my eyes from the strong hand, up the arm, and to the face of the handsome Vincent Orlando. I'm sure my cheeks were fifty shades of red from just his hand on my arm. Stupid hormones.

"Go on a date with me." His command was bold and straight to the point. He gave me his best smile, knowing that his charm would work on me since it's worked on everyone else. Well...not this time, Vince.

"Oh my gosh!! You want to go on a date with me?!" I said with fake excitement, but somehow, he bought it. Idiot.

"Why wouldn't I want to go out with the prettiest girl I know. What do you say, babe?" He gave me a wink, his hand grabbing mine to kiss it. Such a player move.

"Oh wow! I don't know what to say?! Hmmm... no." I shrugged his hand from mine before rolling my eyes and walking away. Before I fully turned around, I briefly saw his face.

Saying he looked shocked would be an understatement.

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