Chapter Five

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"That annoying twat won't leave me alone! Ugh!" I groaned while placing my head on the lunch table.

"Oh quit your secretly love it," Brynn remarked before taking another bite of her apple. I heard Tyler snicker at her words, so I picked my head up, glaring at them both.

"No. Like seriously...he kept trying to play footsie with me during class, and then he was whispering at me! Mrs. Travis even yelled at me! ME!" I laid my head on my hand, scrunching my eyebrows in irritation.

I couldn't even focus on the notes in class because Vincent kept bugging the crap out of me. My notes don't even make sense either. Why couldn't he just annoy someone else? There are plenty of girls in this school that would love his annoying ass, I'm sure.

"Oh and then he keeps calling me babe! Ugh I can't stand him and his stupid, pretty green eyes and gorgeous smile that I want to punch off his pretty face!" I fumed, clenching my fists. Brynn and Tyler smirked at me before laughing hysterically.

"Aw think I'm pretty? I'm flattered." My stomach dropped at the low voice behind me. Turning around slowly, I was met by Vincent and his friend, Hayden. Vincent took a seat next to me while Hayden sat down on the other side next to Brynn. I swear I saw her cheeks become a bit rosy.

"W-what do you want, Vince?" I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at Vincent who bore a charming smirk. I inwardly yelled at myself for stuttering.

"I wanted to be by you, babe. Is that a problem?" He quirked an eyebrow as Tyler cooed at how 'adorable' his response was to me. I glanced at Tyler with a scowl to which he gave me a wink in return.

"Yeah it is, so if you could please leave-"

"Have you met my best friend, Hayden?" Did he just interrupt me and change the topic?!

I rolled my eyes while looking over at the dark-brown haired and brown-eyed boy. His smile was genuine, and I couldn't help to smile back. I didn't have any classes with him, so I didn't really know him well. Although I did see him in the hallways and such.

"Hi Hayden. My name's-"

"Elena. I know. Nice to finally meet you. For once I actually like one of Vincent's girls," he said with a small smile. For once? And wait wait wait...Vincent's girl? As if!

"I'm not his girl." I looked over at Vincent with a flat look. Has he been going around the whole school saying that?

"Oh...sorry for assuming. Um well I better head to my calculus class...I have to go over tutoring sessions with Mr. Ott. Nice meeting you."  Hayden got up from the table, giving us all a wave before exiting the cafeteria.

Once he left, Brynn seemed to relax a bit before asking Vincent a question.

"So...he needs tutoring for calculus because I'm in it now and could help him..."

Vincent let out a laugh before responding. "Nah he's a math genius. He's going to be starting to tutor others because he's that good." All of us gaped at what he had just said. I guess none of us expected him to be that smart.

"Oh. Okay cool." I heard Brynn mumble, a shy smile creeping on her face. I knew she always had a small crush on Hayden. I mean, who doesn't? He's definitely a cutie and is quite the charmer. Now, knowing he was also quite smart, I'm sure her crush on him grew a tremendous amount. She liked the insanely smart guys.

"Maybe you and him can double date with Elena and I." Vincent's eyes met mine, and I found myself nodding at the statement. I think I could tolerate Vincent more if we went on a double date. "First, Elena babe and I have to go on our own. Then a double date for the second one."

"Woah. I never agreed to another date." My gaze shifted to Brynn who began to pout slightly. Her look said it all. She wanted me to do the double date so she wouldn't be as nervous around Hayden. "Ugh fine. Just for Brynn though. Don't think I'm doing it for you."

"Okay, babe." Vincent got up, but before he left the table, he bent down and kissed me on the cheek. I sat there absolutely stunned at the action. "See ya later, babes." With that, he walked out of the cafeteria just as the bell rang.

I touched my hand to my cheek. I could still feel the place where he put his lips on my skin. He kissed me.

"Oh my god! That was sooooo cute! I need a Vincent Orlando! God!" Tyler swooned as we all got up from the table to head to our next class. He then swung his arm over my shoulders and began to babble on about how sweet Vincent is and how gorgeous he is too. I just let him continue on because my mind was elsewhere.

My mind kept replaying that kiss on the cheek over and over. I strangely wanted it to happen again. Except, I wanted to feel his lips on mine.

I shuddered at my thoughts. Once I get home, I gotta look up as many pictures and videos of Cole Sprouse as possible; just to get Vincent out of my mind.

I won't be his next victim.

    hey guys! it's libby, i really appreciate the people who took the time to read this book and give it a chance! i love seeing comments and don't forget to hit the star! love you all so much xoxo 💗💘💓💞💖

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