Chapter Three

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Unknown Number: heyyy babe. whats up? thinking about me?? ;)

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion at the message. I tried figuring out who it was since I didn't recognize the number. I contemplated whether or not to text back, considering it was a strange number and a stranger message.

I eventually decided to message back.

Me: who is this?

Unknown Number: guess. just your favorite person.

Me: Tyler?

Unknown: HAHAHA no. try again ;)

Me: Brynn?

Unknown: seriously? don't you have their numbers already?

Me: idk just tell me.

Unknown: i'll give you a hint. i'm handsome ;)

Me: Hayden Summers?

Unknown: no. do you like him or something??? >:\\

I laughed at the message back. I knew it was Vincent, but I just wanted to tease him a bit. I'll admit though, Hayden is pretty cute. But, Vincent(unfortuately)was better looking. Ugh. I can't believe I just admitted that.

Me: idk his dreamy brown eyes and luscious curly brown hair just makes me feel a certain way.

Vincent:  well. Vincent Orlando is much hotter and has a better personality.

Me: eh he's kinda a jerk tbh.

Vincent: wtf noooo. he is NOT!

Me: yeah yeah he is

Vincent: what if I told you that you were texting him this whole time?

Me: i'd throw up

Vincent: well you better head to the bathroom cuz that's who you're talking to

Me: ew

Vincent: give me a chance. i can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid.

Me: did you just quote Aladdin? just please stop texting me. Thanks

Vincent: i will if you promise one date with me. just one.

I rolled my eyes. This guy was relentless, and I know he would keep messaging me until I went out with him. Scratching my chin, I determined whether or not I should go out one time with him. He would never bother you again, my inner voice told me.

Nodding, I decided to just go out with him one time. It's not like I'd have  to go out another time. Plus, he said he'd stop pestering me if I go on one date with him.

Me: fine. only one. then stop annoying me.

Vincent: you won't want just one time with me babe, but as you wish ;) how about tomorrow night at seven. i'll pick you up.

Me: whatever.

Vincent: goodnight babe. i'll be dreaming of you. will you dream of me?

Me: no. night

Shutting off my phone, I got ready for bed. While brushing my teeth, I took a good look at myself in the mirror. Besides my somewhat cool looking brown eyes, I wasn't much to look at, although I've been told otherwise. I knew Vincent was just pining after me so he can cross off one more girl on his 'list', but I guess having his attention was kinda nice, more annoying, but nice nonetheless.

Crawling into bed, I fell asleep with the same question running over in my mind.

Why me?

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