Chapter Six - Vincent's POV -

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What the actual hell was that? Did I, Vincent James Orlando, just kiss her on the FREAKING cheek?! What kind of sappy shit is this?! I don't do this! I mean, I can be quite the romantic at times, but I'm never like this.

    "Heyyy Vincent...Wanna meet up in the janitors closet for a little fu-"

    "No. Get a life, Saryna," I gave the dark-haired girl a flat look before continuing my walk to my class. I already was five minutes late since I stopped at the restroom to hit a blunt with some of the guys I sometimes hang out with. Yeah, they were notorious school druggies, but like I only hung out with them at certain parties or whenever I wanted to smoke. Which wasn't a lot to be honest.

    I swear I heard her yell something along the lines of, 'pothead player'. I don't know, I'm sort of out of it so I could've imagined it.

    "Mr.'re late." My teacher, Mr. Sukadeck, or who I liked to call, Mr. Suck-a-dick, sneered. I gave the scrawny man with round rimmed glasses a charming smile, hoping my red eyes weren't as apparent as I felt they were.

    "Mr. Suck-a-dick, I had business to attend to, but I'm here now...aren't I?" I smoothly said, taking a seat in my usual desk; which was right in the front. I heard several of my classmates snicker.

    I swear I saw the man fume flames at my slip-up of saying his nickname instead of his actual name. "It's Sukadeck." He let out a sigh in frustration before continuing. "Anyways, let's continue our discussion on the different basic organic molecules we will be focusing on for the remainder of the semester." His look was venomous towards me until he turned around, writing down the organic compounds we would be discussing.

    After listening to him drone on and on about carbon molecules and the different regio- and stereochemistry of them, class came to an end, and I made my way out to the student-filled hallway. Hayden walked up to me with his backpack slung over his shoulders.

    "How was Suck-a-dick?" he asked me since he has chemistry with him in the next class.

    "Well, I showed up late and called him by his nickname on accident, so good luck, man." Hayden laughed, but then studied my face a bit before shaking his head.

    "You were smoking again?" his tone was harsh, and I couldn't help but to wince slightly. He was completely against any drug, besides alcohol, since his father and uncle both died from drug overdose.

    "Maybe." He shook his head again before walking away from me. I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "I'm just stressed right now, and I guess I keep getting this weird feeling around Elena. I needed to stop it before it got worse."

    With my explanation, he gave me a strange look before a smirk appeared. "You like her. You actually like her...a lot." 

    "No I don't. She's a bitch."

    He rolled his eyes. "Bull crap. You wouldn't keep trying with her if you didn't like her."

    "Uhhh I do that with all the girls." I crossed my arms as he scoffed.

    "No you don't. You try for like the first day, and usually they come back to you. Elena isn't like that, and you like it. You like that she's hard to get." He patted my shoulder with a smug look before I could protest. "She likes you too. Don't worry."

    With that, he walked away, and I made my way towards my next class; art.

    After art and my remaining classes for the day, I began to gather my things from my locker and head out to my car until something stopped me.

    Elena was talking with Brandon Rowen. I knew her and Brynn were best friends, so like it shouldn't be a big deal if her brother, who is a senior this year, would be talking to her. But it bothered me because she's my girl. Well, like you know. She's my next girl and stuff.

    I brushed off my weird possessive feeling of her until I saw him grab her hand, while rubbing his thumb along it in a quite romantic way. First, I wanted to gag myself at the sight. Then, I wanted to rip his hand away from hers. I noticed she looked down at their conjoined hands confusedly before trying to pull away. He held on before sliding his hand up her arm, giving her a seductive look.

    Thoroughly pissed off, I strutted over by them, slinging an arm around Elena's shoulders as Brandon took his hand off her arm. He didn't seem too happy. 

"Well hi Brandon. I need to talk to Elena about our date for tonight." Why am I telling this ugly MF this?

"Hi Vincent. What are you doing?" He crossed his arms, shooting me a glare in the process.

Elena stood there rigidly, biting her bottom lip nervously. I was surprised that she wasn't yelling at me to be honest. She kept looking down at the floor too which was odd since she doesn't hesitate to look people in the eye.

"Did Elena not tell you? We're going on a date. Tonight."  Elena shifted uncomfortably, trying to get away from me I assumed, but I pulled her in closer, looking Brandon straight in the eye.

"Whatever. El-" she finally looked up, giving him a look I couldn't quite read, "-remember what I told you. Don't forget." He then walked away, as I took my arm away from Elena. I've never liked Brandon. I've heard plenty of rumors about him, and none of them are good either.

"Thanks, Vince." I nodded before I registered what she had said to me. S-she thanked me? But why?

"Wait. Did you just thank me?" I asked, and her eyes grew wide before she shoved me.

"N-no I didn't. Um what time were you thinking for the date tonight?" She changed the topic, and I decided to drop it for now since I know she'd tell me later.

"Seven. I'll pick you up. Keep what you have on." I almost went in to kiss her on the cheek again but refrained myself from doing so.

"Okay. Sounds good." Her voice was quiet and-wait-did she just say 'sounds good'? Where is the Elena I know?

"Uh you need a ride home or...?" She looked at me with a puzzling expression.

"Nicole drives. I got a ride, but thanks. Bye," is all she responded before grabbing her backpack and dashing out towards the parking lot.

There was something up between her and that Brandon. But whatever it may be, it's bound to end because now I'm in the picture.

    heyooo!! me and my sister both agree we LOVE vincent's pov because it's just so fun to type up lol but please press the star and leave comments!! ( funny, reaction etc) I LOVE READING COMMENTS love you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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