Chapter Four -Vincent POV-

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"B-but why?! We had something special!" Rubi exclaimed, tears pouring out of her eyes like Niagra Falls. I refrained myself from laughing in her face since nearly half the school was watching the 'show'.

"Well...uh sorry?" At this statement she began to bawl harder, dropping her head in her hands. I cringed at how awful she looked while crying. Plus, she was making such a huge scene, and I just wanted to get to class and finish up the homework I didn't do last night.

Rolling my eyes and shrugging off her hands from my arm, I made my way to history. One of my least favorite classes. If I'm going to be honest, math is actually my favorite; you would think me being a 'bad boy' would make me not like any class, but that's not always true.

I made my way into the class, and sat down in my seat. Well, my new seat since I am now sitting right in the front by Elena. She was so mad yesterday when I took her best friend's seat. Also, I accidentally called her Nicole since her sister is captain of the dance team here, since they look so much alike... which was a big mistake. I knew she'd be mad at me again for sitting here, yet I kinda liked getting her all riled up. It was amusing.

Just as I was finishing up the worksheet that I probably should have done last night, Elena walked in with her guy friend...Tyler, I think. I swear I saw him blush as he saw me while Elena gave me the dirtiest glare I have ever seen in my life.

She walked up to my desk, crossing her arms. "What the heck are you doing? I thought I told you that was Tyler's seat."

"El's okay. Vincent can have it...I don't mind. Plus, Mrs. Travis always talks too loud and being in the back gives me less of a headache." Tyler said while giving Elena a slight wink. He began to make his way to the back until Elena pulled him back. She whispered something in his ear before she spoke to me again.

"Ty is being nice. Move, Vincent."

I pouted my lips slightly. "Aw babe...I was looking forward to sitting next to you though."

I swear I heard Tyler 'aww' at what I said, yet Elena stood her ground, rolling her eyes. Does this girl ever not roll her eyes? Geez.

"Elena...let the man sit here." Tyler marched his way to the back of the classroom, as a smirk formed on my lips. He was a nice kid. Too nice for his own good.

Elena huffed and angrily plopped in her seat next to mine. I scooted my desk closer to hers, and she shifted hers away from mine. I proceeded to scoot mine closer, grabbing onto her desk so she couldn't move away. She eventually gave up and crossed her arms, trying to ignore my staring.

"Elena. You are look so good today." I flirted with her, resulting in a side glance from her. She scoffed at my attempt to flatter her.

"I literally rolled out of bed and put on a t-shirt and leggings. But thanks." Hey hey hey...she at least acknowledged me!

"You're welcome, babe. Wait until you see what I have in store for us later. It's something that you will love for sure. Like, you will want to go out with me again and again after tonight, babe I guarantee it will-"

"Will you just shut up?!" Elena screeched. I was whispering to her before as class had just begun, so her outburst caused the teacher to stop their lesson and give her a look.

"Miss Francis. One more outburst and that'll be detention. I will not tolerate disruptive behavior." Our teacher yelled at Elena, causing her to shrink in her desk with embarrassment. I suppressed the urge to laugh, so, instead, I just smirked at her. She gave me a glare before averting her attention on the lesson.

I tried to focus on the hefty woman that was Mrs. Travis, noticing how she'd legit yell as if her hearing aid wasn't on. She was the oldest teacher at our school, yet she still kept going. I'm pretty sure the school had tried to get her to resign several times, but she just keeps coming back. Her made up face couldn't hide the fact that she was practically prehistoric.

At least she knew her history since she is literally ancient.

Anyway, I began to write notes on 'who knows what' while stealing glances at Elena. She was focused on Mrs.Travis, full on ignoring me.What I said before wasn't a lie; she looked good even if she did just throw something on. Her long, brown hair was slightly wavy and cascaded nicely over her shoulders. Honestly, she could wear a trash bag and still manage to look good. I can't believe I never noticed how good looking she was before.

Hold. Up. Where is this sappy crap coming from?

"Psst. Elena." I whispered, trying to get her attention, which she chose to ignore...again. So, I kicked her foot slightly. She still didn't say anything or move. Mrs. Travis must have scared the crap out of her beforehand.

I began to nudge her foot more while tapping her desk so only she could hear. I saw her clench her fists, eyes narrowing on the whiteboard as Mrs. Travis babbled on about the Romanov Empire.

"Pssttt. Babe."

With this, she finally looked at me. Well, it was more of a death glare, but she still acknowledged my presence. I guess I'll keep calling her 'babe' since she responds more to that than her actual name.

"What!?" she whisper-yelled at me. The irritation in her voice was very apparent.

"You're cute when you're mad, babe." She continued her death glare, scoffing at my remark. I gave her a wink before turning my attention back to the teacher.

"Whatever Vince." I heard her mutter, slightly under her breath but loud enough for me to hear. Vince. I usually don't let others call me Vince besides my sister. Not even Hayden has that privilege to call me by my nickname. Not ever since...yeah. So, I guess I was shocked I let her continue to call me that.

I guess Elena was sort of growing on me.

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