Chapter Two (Vincent POV)

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What the actual hell? How could she say no to this beast of sexiness. Like, no one and I mean NO ONE, has ever said 'no' to the Vincent Orlando. Heck, I usually had the girls eating from the palms of my hands. They always come back and beg for me back.

I thought Elena would be just like the rest of them. I'd date her for a bit, get her to amuse me and what-not, then break-up with her and say she's not the one. But, she was the one to reject me. I'm still standing dumbfounded in this carbohydrate-filled aisle, and it's been five minutes since she walked away, rolling her beautiful brown eyes-woah woah woah. Beautiful brown eyes? Vincent...don't be a softie.

"Vince! Why are you just standing there? I've been trying to look for you for the past ten minutes!" Anne, my sister, said with an annoyed tone. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun, but her outfit was the opposite of a mess with a pair of pure white sneakers, a white blouse to match, and her lighter-wash jeans were seemingly ironed. She was someone who had to plan everything out and was always on a schedule, so, having to go off her schedule to find me irritated her.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming," I replied bluntly, still surprised with Elena's answer. Anne let out a huff before turning her shopping cart around, briskly walking to the other aisle.

I began following her; my usual strut of confidence was dimmed down in a sense. My confidence boost I get from having girls beg for me was gone all because of Elena saying 'no'. Like, who does she think she is?

"...a bitch." Anne's voice said, basically answering my question.

"Yeah. Elena is a bitch." I walked up next to her as she looked at me with a confused expression.

"Elena? No...I was talking about Maisie Turner. Who the heck is Elena?" Anne stopped her cart to grab a couple boxes of gluten free, whole wheat pasta.

"Uh some new girl that's a bitch. That's all," I replied, grabbing five boxes of mac n cheese since I don't go for that healthy crap that Anne likes. Gross.

"Hm let me guess. You just don't like her because she either doesn't want to go out with you, or she decided that you are not hot like Hayden Summers."

I rolled my eyes at that last remark. Hayden Summers. Pfft. I know he's like one of my good friends, but honestly...I'm the hot one. Let's get that straight.

"Yeah no. She's just a bitch." We walked down another aisle full of the different sodas, juices, and waters. Anne grabbed some expensive vitamin water from the mountains of some random range in Asia while I grabbed boxes of capri sun and mountain dew. Anne shook her head at me as I put the third case of mountain dew in the cart.

"You're gonna ruin your stomach lining with all that soda."

"Oh you hear that?! That's me not caring." I grabbed the cart from her and wheeled it down like a child; running and gliding down the aisle.

Then I stopped it right before hitting the magazine stand at the beginning of the checkout lane. I looked back at Anne who bore an annoyed look. Smirking at her, I began to put the items on the conveyor belt for the cashier to check out.

Once we got everything checked out and paid for, we made our way to my car. Yes, my car. My beautiful, red Mazda MX-5 Miata. My babe.

I put everything into the trunk as Anne put the shopping cart back at the entrance. We both hopped in the car, and I began driving us back home. Anne played some Khalid through the bluetooth speaker of my car.

At first, I began to tap my finger on the steering wheel to the beat of the music, then, once it got to the chorus of the song, I began to full on sing. Something only my mom and sister have had the pleasure to experience. I wasn't one to show off my talent.

Turning down the song, Anne gave me a look. "Why don't you sing for the talent show in the spring? You're so good, Vince, and I know people would love to hear-"

"No. Absolutely not. Nope. Nu uh. No way," I snapped, cutting her off completely.

"Alright. Just saying that you're really good and could probably get a contract with that voice of yours, but whatever." She crossed her arms and looked out the window. I don't know why she was always on my case about showcasing my 'angelic voice'. It's my talent not hers. She's like those 'dance moms' that live through their daughter's somewhat decent dancing skills.

We drove for a bit, not saying anything more as Anne was glued to her phone, and I was jamming out to the radio. Once we arrived home, I hauled in our groceries while Anne walked straight to her room to do her homework, something that I usually preferred to do later. And by later, I mean right before class. It's funny because I tend to get good grades when I'm not even trying.

After putting away the groceries in the kitchen, I made my way up to my room. My sanctuary. A place where I could just be myself . A place where I could play my guitar and sing.

Like I said before, only my mom and sister knew of this. My best friend, Hayden, knew I played the guitar, but he doesn't know I can sing as well. It's just something I'm not really comfortable doing in front of others.

Strumming the strings of my acoustic guitar, that I named Johnny, I began playing a song that I wrote. A song that I haven't found the right name for, but had the lyrics and notes exactly how I wanted it. I wanted to name it 'Baby' but Justin freaking Bieber took that already, or I wanted to name it 'Between Us'. I didn't like that either.

After jamming out for a couple hours, I decided to text that bitch. Elena. I had persuaded a girl in my lab who was somewhat close to Elena for her number. I know I said she was a bitch, but I just was irritated that she didn't accept my date request.

I was going to get her, one way or another.

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