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Co-Writer-insane beyond belief

Blair's POV

This school disgusts me. The filth,the smell ,the....people!

I walked through the long narrow hallways to get to the cafeteria to meet my brosis.(A/N A brosis is simply a really really close friend.)

I sat at the last table in the last row waiting for Alex. I pulled out my a book she got me called Expelled and began reading it.

"Hey." I heard a voice say. I looked up from my book to see the person I had been waiting for.

She laid her backpack on the table and sat down.

"Hey..Ya still coming to my house tonight?"

"Yea." She said playing with her choker.

We sat in silence until I stole the bacon off her tray and shoved it in my mouth before she could say anything

"I should have seen that coming... Why would I be so stupid to just leave a piece of bacon sitting around and not expect you to eat it."

"I guess you are stupid." I said in my regular board expression.

I got up and dumped my tray. Alex was doing the same. We both got our backpacks and stuck our hands in our pockets with a board expression.

Were much alike besides the fact that she is so fucking tall she towers over me.

We walked to 1st period together. Legs dragging the ground in shame and depression.

Here starts another day of hell.

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