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Co-Writer-insane beyond belief

Time skip to Blair's house

Alex's POV

The bus ride to her house was long and boring. I could not think straight. My mind was wondering to places it shouldn't be. Why was I thinking like this? I have never loved anyone and most likely never will!

"Hey, you OK?" I turned to look at Blair who had nudged my shoulder to get my attention.

"Um y-yea...Why wouldn't I be?" I tried not to stutter but had failed.

"I dunno. I was just wondering. You seemed quiet."

Blair's POV

I watched out my window at the snow falling gracefully out of the sky. 'I want to be snow.' I thought to myself. 'It just goes where it wants to and then melts out of existence.'

Suddenly the bus stopped at my eerie home. I stood up and threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked slowly off the bus making sure not to make any eye contact with Alex.

We walked into my bedroom and I closed the door like I always do.

"So what do you wanna do?" I turned around and saw Alex staring off into space.

I walked over to her and smacked her in the back of the head. "I was talking to ya brat..."

"Oh.." She said with a curious look on her face

"Tch. What do you wanna do?" I said sitting on my bed with a sigh.

"I do not know." She said in a hushed voice.

"Of course you don't." I said sarcastically.

"Why do you gotta be so rude." She started singing, "Don't you know i'm human to."

"Your annoying... I am going to go get a bag of hot Cheetos. What do you want?"

She took a minute to think and finally decided."Doritos."

"Ok." I turned the corner and walked into the kitchen.

Alex's POV

When she walked out of the room I started panicking. 'Why am I acting so weird around her. She is going to know something is going on!' *gay panic*

I started playing with my thumbs.

Third Person

Tonight is going to be a long night.

A/N This story is about me and my friend Alex. Some events are true. But NONE of the lovey dovey stuff is!! P.S Alex is insane_beyond_belief...

Later on in the story I will do a A/N that describes 10-20 things about me and then we will do another about Alex.

Good day to you all.

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