
17 4 1

Co-writer: insane_beyond_belief

Airalynn' s POV

I was shivering and honestly scared. I keep on hearing noises, so I found a tree that I could actually climb and went as high up as I could.

The sun was almost set and I could barely see. I know it had to have been at least a few hours. 'They won't find me, I know it. 'I'll starve to death before they'll even noticed I'm gone.' She thought as she scuttled further in on herself. She had never been so cold or so scared, especaly at the same time.

'I'm such an idiot! I did This to myself because I wasn't watching where I was going! Why do I have to be so stupid at times! Wait, what if Breanna is purely looking for me and gets lost herself? What if she gets lost and I get found? I'll feel so guilty! I guess my bad luck is tail going on for a long time. I get lost, then I lose my friend. Wow. And the friend of the year goes to...ME the one who got her friend lost.' I continue to think to myself. 'Ok Airalynn, just calm down.'

Then I hear a distant barking or growl, or... that a... it is! A shout from a person. I look in the direction it came from and waited till I could see them. It was Breanna and Violet, shouting my name, looking for me. I wait till there near and I  jump down from the tree, instantly running to them.

"BRE!!!!" I yelled as I charged at her and hugged her, despite her struggles, until she breaks free.

Third POV

How will Brennan act to finding her closest friend?

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