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Co-Writer-insane beyond belief

Blair's POV

It was finally the last period of the day, me and Alex have all but 5th together,math,mainly because I am better at it.

I was a but nervous, since that day. I haven't been able to help but to like her, and it is driving me crazy!

I just do not wanna ruin our friendship, and to actually feel this thing they call 'love'.

'I loved her before but that was from a friendly perspective. Nothing like this!' I thought sighing in frustration.

I was then snapped out of my thoughts when the bell *aka Alex,the one who always brings me back to reality.* signaled that it was time to go.

We grabbed our things and trudged to our lockers, which so happen to be right next to each other.

I sat there mentally freaking out. I am glad I get to spend time with her but I am also low-key freaking out!

Alex's POV

'Man Blair has been acting strange lately. Did something happen to her?' I thought but I shrugged it off.

I am very excited to stay at Blair's house tonight. I love staying there.

Here lately I have been having mixed feelings about her, but I try my best not to think about it to much. I mean she is my brosis!

Third Person POV

Lets see what this night will bring.

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