Cast dinner

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Chapter 3

Ian's POV.

I got her back. I finally got her back! I thought she didn't want to be with me anymore but I was wrong. I smiled walking back to my room and Paul caught me grinning and stopped me. "Smoldy what you so happy about?" He asked. "Nina" was all I managed to say. But he knew exactly what I meant. "God finally I was getting bored waiting for you two to hook up again. You perfect for each other." He grinned.
"Thanks man but don't tell anyone ok. It's not official yet okay?"
"Right, I won't. You coming down to dinner tonight with everyone. Or are you two goin to be too busy 'making up'" he said implying inverted commas on the making up part. God he was such a tease. "Paul shut up we'll be there " I said playfully punching him I'm the arm.
"Tee hee" he chuckled. I loved him so much he was my best friend along with James but James wasn't going to be around much longer do Paul was the friend I had to talk to right now. "Where is Neens now?" He asked. "She's resting she was tired." I told him. "Okay well see you guys later!" He said skipping down the hall towards his room. "Paul don't say anything or I will kill you and nina will kill me. All right." He stuck his thumb up as to say okay a while he was walking way and did a jump and kicked his heels together. "I'm so happy" he sung while turning around the corner. God he was such a laugh. I went back into my room still smiling and lasted out my clothes for tonight. The cast was having a celebratory party in a party room here in the hotel. To celebrate season 6. I had a few hours until I needed to go down to it. So I texted Nina.

'Hey gorgeous text me when your awake and ready and I'll come get you for dinner xxx<3'

She was probably still asleep because she diddnt reply. but when it got later and we only had 10 minutes until we needed to be there so I decided to go and check on her. I was dressed in a black shirt and trousers, smart but casual style. I couldn't wait to see nina she always dressed up for dinners and she always looked stunning. I grabbed a bunch of flowers from the hotel room and started to walk to Nina's room. maybe her phone ran out of charge, or she slept in. I was about to nock on her door when I heard her coughing, violently, like she had a bad chest infection or something. I nocked again because she probably didn't hear. "Nia, can I come in?" I asked.
"Coming" she called out her voice cracking like she had been crying! She slowly opened her door. her make up was smuged, running down her face. she had a tissue in her hand and she looks so upset. I instinctively pushed open the door, pulled her into my arms and led her to the bed. I lay down next to her, resting her head on my sholder. I stroked her hair and tried to comfort her. "hey, what's wrong princess?" I whispered. kissing the top of her head. after a while she softly replied. "I broke up with Kellan and he got really annoyed, I told him I didn't want to see him anymore because I was with you but he called me a selfish whore." she started crying again. I knew she was seeing him but I completely forgot. she said that she's with me now! finally. but how could he say that to her. "Nia, I'm so sorry you don't deserve that, to be treated like that, he is a assface and he is never going to see my princess, or talk to her again because she has agent smolderholder protecting her now and always!" I saluted like a solider and she burst out laughing. I always knew how to make her laugh, whatever the problem. she cuddled into me. "why did I let you go?" she asked kissing my cheek. "I don't know Neens. because you are crazy!" she started laughing agin and she sat up and looked down at me. "I'm sorry ian."she said sadly.
"What for princess.?"
"Breaking your heart." she said looking down. I pulled her on top of me and softly kissed her lips. she straddled me and started kissing me back. I pulled away and put my finger to her lips. "I forgive you." she kissed me again. god I missed this, I felt so alive with her. like nothing else in the world mattered. just here and now. but we had to be somewhere. "Nia. as much a did like to stay here with you and never leave. we are supposed to be going to a party. plus are we going to tell them were back together tonight or another time?" I asked caressing her cheek and playing with her hair. "I suppose we should tell them tonight. If Paul hasn't already..."
Oops. "did you hear that?"
"It was right outside my door smolder."i started laughing again
"Go get ready" I said.gently pushing her off the bed into a standing position . "Okay okay I'm going." she said disappearing into her bathroom. after about ten minutes of waiting she came out in a beautiful, rose red dress. it came up to above her knees and had three quarter length sleeves it really flattered her figure. "can you zip me up please." I walked over to her and slowly zipped up her dress at the back holding her shoulder with one hand and pulling the zip with the other. I kissed her shoulder and turned her around to face me. I kissed her lips again and whispered in her ear. "you are soooooo beautiful miss nina dobrev. but we really need to go." she sighed and walked out the door. I followed locking it and grabbed her by the waist and we walked down stairs holding each other tightly not wanting to ever let go. but when we got to the room for dinner we let go and nina took my arm in hers.

The room was filled with people. everyone. all the cast were here, the writers, directors, make up artists, designers and basically just everyone. the hotel organised this because we were using their hotel. so they have us this room for free hire whenever and they are giving us free food and drink. Nobody really noticed us coming in because the party had already started, we walked over to our table with julie, kevin, caroline,paul, phoebe and candice. When they saw us coming over together they all got excited and started coming up to us and harassing us. "excuse me guys, can we sit down please." I barged through them. they were acting like press. we sat down and so did they. "so are you to back together, please be back together.!" Julie was asking, she always wanted us to get back together so damon and elena had a better chemestry, even though we won a peoples choice for our chemistry, it will be better now we are together. wait no it won't because damon is dead. oh yeah..... "yes Julie we are back tog-..." Before nina could finish Julie was up on her feet rushing towards the microphone at the front of the room. knowing Julie I knew where this was going...

There was a mic at the front of the room and Julie was turning it on and testing it. "hello? hi please can I have your attention everyone." Her voice was booming through the mic. I looked round at nina and gave her a 'god help us look'. she smiled and held my hand under the table. "I knew this was a bad Idea "she whispered in my ear. I let out a small chuckle and took a sip from my drink "mmhmmm" I murmured. "I would like to thank you all for coming here today." Julie continued. "I can't believe we are here today, all of us, preparing for season six! item ever this for season one and there were half the amount of people and although the show had a great hit we weren't at our best. but now look at us. so I want to thank everyone for being apart In the tvd family. without you all we wouldn't be here today. Everyone form the door runner to the sound guys I want to thank you all for creating this show. But I also want to thank our amazing cast. auditions. I remember auditioning all of the cast and I sometimes wonder what if Kevin and I didn't bring any of our remarkable cast through. But I couldn't of wished for anyone better than who we have. so to every single cast member. I want to thank you for being who you are and making the show what it is." Everyone clapped and applauded. Julie started to walk away but glanced at me and nina and walked back over to the mic. "one more thing they are back together!" she practically sung. What does she mean 'they'? but my thoughts were interrupted by a wave of people screaming and shouting-clearly drunk heading our way. "finally guys, we just wished it was earlier you too are perfect and are miserable without eachother." Kevin was saying to nina and i. but I think she was as confused as I was. everyone around us was putting their thumbs up or toasting to us. what the hell? "Kevin what makes you think it's us?" nina said reading my mind, she's always been good at that. "oh come on guys we have been waiting for this for a year, coming up with plans to get you back together, everyone has. so when Julie said they we knew exactly who." he smiled at us and got up and went to talk to someone. after a while people stopped harassing us and carried in in a normal way. nina and I got some food from the buffet. we sat down and talked for a while. discussing and making each other laugh. I looked at her and knew exactly what she was thinking. she wanted to leave as much as I did. she was just sitting there talking to candice, kat and others from around set. people started leaving and I found the correct opportunity to leave. So I got up grabbed Nina's purse and phone of the table and walked over to where she was. she was in mid conversation with the girls, but not for long. "excuse me ladies but miss dobrev and I are needed elsewhere so we shall see you in the morning.are you ready to leave nia?" I said putting my hand out to her. she stood up placed her glass down and grabbed my hand. "I most certainly am." she giggled. she said goodbye to a few people on the way out and as soon as we were walking through the corridor to the lobby she spoke. "that was sooo boring! I just wanted to drag you away and take you upstairs and hide from everyone" she said sliding ver hand into mine "agreed but you have me now alone." I said pulling her into the elevator with me waiting for the doors to close and crashing my lips against hers. she kissed me back and we just stayed like that until. the doors opened and we got out. "I missed you so much ian." she said stopping outside her room. "I missed you too. so I guess it's a good thing I'm not leaving you anytime soon." I said and swooped her into my arms bridal style.she let out a small scream of laughter. "shhhhh you'll wake the neighbours!" she giggled again passing me the room key from her purse. I opened the door lowered her onto the bed. still leaning over her I kissed her lips softly. but she grabbed my jacket and pulled it off deepening the kiss. and pulling me onto the bed with her. she straddled me and started unbuttoning my shirt...

-sorry for the rubbish chapter, it will get better after I introduce their current situation. so what do you think will happen next?thanks agin for reading-

Nian - with you always. (Nina dobrev and ian somerhalder  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now