Night from hell

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Sorry I took ages to update been busy with exams and stuff but I promise I will make it up I you from now on by updating more regularly so enjoy sorry for any mistakes.


I spent the day with Derek and Jules and mainly just caught up and went shopping. I knew that I had to be back soon to go to the hospital with Ian so I got a lift back with Derek. Jules had to go and meet someone and Derek volunteered to take me back to the hotel. it's better than walking right? we were about 10 minutes away from the hotel we were just making small talk an trying to keep talking so things didn't get awkward. nothing big ever happened between him and i, we kissed and started dating but then we broke up, and just stayed friends. I've known him practically my whole life so things weren't awkward between us much. I mean obviously it's gonna be awkward but nothing like it was between Ian and I.

"So, when do you go back to filming?" Derek asked trying to break the silence. "in a month."i replied.

"That sucks I won't be able to spend much time with you because you'll be ultra busy!" he pouted. "I miss you so much when I don't see you." he said, then his hand moved on top of mine and he looked at me. I quickly jerked back it was wrong. "der- don't ." I said edging away from him. I was with Ian and I would never get back with Derek, ever!

"Why not nina your single now!"

"Er... no ....I'm not" I whispered but he geared and looked at me hurt.

"What? no nina. who?" He sounded hurt.

"I'm back with ian."

"I knew it it's always ian."

"Der- you can't act all jealous your the one that broke up with me!"

"Yeah I know sorry, friends right?"

"Right" I replied. god that was awkward.

5 minutes later we arrived at my hotel and we weren't in an awkward position antmore. we had talked and laughed and it was fine. he opened my door for me and I stepped out and took his arm he was holding out. we walked into the lobby and Derek made a joke and I couldn't help but laugh. in the corner of the room by the bar I could see a group of people sitting on the stools all in deep conversation. but as I looked closely I saw who it was.

Ian, Paul,pheobe, micheal, zach and some others were all at the bar chatting and listening to ian blabbering. he looked pretty sad maybe he was talking about a sad subject. then ian looked up and saw me, then he noticed me holding Derek's arms and I swear I saw a flash of jealousy flash in his eyes. I only hope he trusted me enough again I know I wouldn't cheat on him.

Ian smiled at me and got up from his seat and started to walk over to us. I needed to show both I them that I was with ian. I needed to prove to ian that I loved him even though I was linking arms with my ex. plus I needed to show Derek that I was taken. do I ran up to ian and wrapped my arms around him. "I missed you!" I said and pecked him on the lips. "missed you too " his focus wasn't entirely on me he was looking at Derek behind me. Derek I could tell was not liking this one bit and looked really awkward. "er neen in gonna go, catch you later." he said and stalked out the main entrance back to his car before I could say goodbye. I turned back to ian to see him looking at the floor. I had to prove to him nothing happened between der and I. I cupped his face in my hands and made him look at me. "Ian, I know you probably don't trust me much now and we are in a messy place but I swear to you he just dropped me here. okay?"

"Okay" he replied in a whisper.

"Ian look at me." he did "I love you and in so sorry I let you go ,I'm sorry. but know I love you so much and it will always be you forever." he smiled

Nian - with you always. (Nina dobrev and ian somerhalder  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now