The truth

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-hi my amazing readers! I'm soooooo sorry for not updating I have just got back from holiday and I promise to get better. Which is why I am only going to focus on this story for now and maybe my delena(season six) fanfiction. By doing that I should be able to be more focused and update more so enjoy this long overdue chapter!-

Nina's POV

I stared at the interviewer blankly, I could feel that my jaw had dropped. The shock overwhelming me and confusion eating away at my brain. "Pardon?" I asked the blonde who was covered in fake tan and thick heavy make up. I knew what she said but I pretended I didn't so I could check I heard correctly. "Are the rumours of you and ian hooking up again true?" She asked then shoved the microphone in my face. Yep. That was what I heard. I could feel myself gawping again with shock.

I didn't have an answer for that. What was going on with us?

I couldn't tell her that Ian and I got back together and it was just like a fairytale again with how perfect it was. Only to then be ruined by my jealous drunk ex Derek Hough! How could I explain that after getting the one man I love back, he ran away from me after thinking that I'd slept with Derek while with him. How would I tell her all that and that ian had ignored me all day after I kissed him in the hotel hallway. After he ran off candice and I went down to the lobby and got on the bus to the interviews. Ian hi himself in the corner at the back with his iconic hat covering his eyes and headphones in his ears. He stayed away from me all day dodging me behind the scenes and only talking to me in front of the cameras, just like normal to make things not seem awkward. But as soon as we were off camera he would get a way from me as fast as he could.

It was now about 8:00 at night and I was doing an interview on my own. Everyone else had gone back to the hotel and I had my own interview. That leads us back to the current situation with the blonde haired women waiting for my answer. I needed to say something and it needed to not give to much detail so I took a deep breath and answered her. "It's complicated." I replied simply. She looked down almost disappointed and then she went back to the normal questions about the show. Realising I wasn't going to tell her anything.

About an hour later after I had finished and changed out of my interview clothes and makeup. I headed back to the hotel. When the taxi pulled up outside the hotel, before I even got out I was blinded by flashing lights and cameras. "Freaking paparazzi!" I heard the taxi driver mumble under his breath as his nuckles turned white with the strength of his grip on the steering wheel. I couldn't help but laugh at him cursing as he tried to weave through the crowd of paps blocking the drop of point.

I finally got out and paid him saying thanks as I closed the door. I could already feel all the paparazzi swarming behind me before I even turned to face them. "Nina, nina over here." A man said pointing a camera with a huge flash on it. "Can you tell us anything about season six?" Another one asked. "Sorry guys I'm really tired and I need to go inside." I said as I pushed through them towards the hotel doors. "Oh we are so sorry to bother you good night nina. Sleep well." They started to leave and let me pass. But then another man spoke and made me stop in my tracks. "Is it true that you cheated on Ian somerhalder?" He asked. My heart started pounding. I turned around to look at the man. He was small and stubby with a video camera in hand. "Excuse me?!?"I said a little harsher than expected. " a customer at this hotel said she saw Derek hough leave your room. On the same day as she saw you and Ian come out of the same room holding hands." He said with a smirk on his face. " that is crazy I diddn't cheat on ian, I...I... Would never do that!" I yelled my voice fading at the end. I could feel tears welling up so I knew I had to go. I pushed past them and ran into the hotel, through the lobby and into the lift.

As soon as the doors closed I let the tears run. My throat burned and my eyes were saw. Why? I don't deserve this. I can't believe Derek would do this to me! He ruind everything! My breathing got heavier as I realised that no matter what I say to ian he won't listen because I betrayed his trust again. This time I went to far and he would never believe me.

The lift doors opened and I walked out and down the hallway to my room. I stopped when I got to Paul's door because I heard loud shouting, not angry but happy. What the hell was going on in there? It sounded like Paul and ian. Ian's beautiful chuckle rung through my ears , making me smile at the sound. I wonder what's going on in there. I nearly nocked on the door but I diddnt want to disturb them. Instead I just went to my room locked myself in, put on my pyjamas and got into bed. There was nothing else I could do or say today but cry myself to sleep.

Ian's POV

After a day of exhausting interviews of faking smiles and laughs. I came back to the hotel and went to Paul's room. it seems as if I would be here for a while longer. Nina is still at the studio having an interview on her own. I didn't speak to her all day only when I had to in the interviews. I couldn't even bring myself to look at her in the eyes, it just hurt to much and I felt as if there would be nothing to look at but golden flakes of lies in her eyes. Paul was still downstairs having a drink or two with the guys. I told him not to worry about me I just wanted to get to bed and sleep another nina less night.

It was about half an hour later after I had finished a few phone calls and emails for my companies and foundation, when Paul came barging in to the room slightly out of breath. he looked confused but excited at the same time if that is even possible. "Ian. omg! ian. it's not true!" he yelled as he walked in with his phone in hand a big smile plastered across his face. "what's not true. are you drunk?" I asked extremely confused. He looked out of breath and he was panting. "No I'm not drunk! ian, she was telling the truth. he made it up."

That's when everything for into place and I realised who he was talking about. i felt my jaw drop and close repeatedly, I was speechless. "what? how do you know?" I mumbled in shock. "I have a recording! he was in the lobby at the same time as me. he was really drunk and was on the phone. I started to record him and thought I turned it off when phoebe got there. But I didn't and it kept recording. You can hear him in the background still talking!" Paul let out a long breath after ranting so fast it took me a while to process. "oh wow!" I said while stumbling back and sitting on the bed. holding my face in my hands and running a hand through my hair. she wasn't lying and I didn't believe her. I suddenly felt overcome with guilt.

"Can I hear it please." I asked a few minutes later still in shock. "yeah sure. I was just playing it to the guys downstairs. I just thought it was my recording of him being drunk but it kept recording. I heard the rest and ran up the stairs. he is such a lying dick!" paul pressed a few things on his phone then came and sat next to me on the bed.

He pressed play and his voice started playing. "it wasssszz soooo funnny! yo you should of seen their facccceessss!! ninna was so shhhoockked and ian fell for it! sometimes I tthhtink I should win an ossscar!" (Written badly for drunken purposes :) ) I stood up and started pacing. " That lying son of a bit him going to kill him!" I diddnt realise how loudly I was yelling. "ian, save the killing for later. just get your girl!" I pulled Paul into a hug. "god I love you man! Thank you!" I turned around and headed for the door.

The door to mine and Paul's room slammed shut behind me. I walked down the corridor to Nina's room. I nocked twice. it felt like hours waiting for the door to open it was probably only a few seconds. a while later Nina's raspy voice called out. "I'm coming." she had obviously been crying. when you've known someone for six years you learn their habits! The door handle turned and before she even got a chance to look and see who it was, my lips came crashing down on hers. taking her completely by surprise.

The kiss heated and I gently pushed her back into the room, letting the door close. our lips moulded together and I felt safe and home again. this is where I belong. with nina just me and her.

As the kiss slowed I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers. I felt a tear run down my face. was I crying! wow! "I'm so sorry nina." I whispered against her lips. our breath mingling. "shhh, it's ok." she muttered stroking my hair. " I love you." she said looking into my teary eyes. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much." I croaked pathetically. "prove it." she whispered in my ear seductivly , Then ran her finger along my jaw biting her lip as she slowly backed up onto the bed and sat on the edge with her legs crossed. god she is so sexy. I'm in love with the most beautiful women in the world.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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