Title: Galvanize

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The hungry snarls of thunder and blinding cracks of lightning had always been an iconic symbol of Thor’s violent temper, and when such weather befell Asgard - with neither warning nor mercy - the entire realm was made aware of the grievous displeasure felt by the Asgardian Prince.

It had long ago been discovered that the severity of the storm acted as an accurate gauge of just how foul a mood the God in question was in. When the thunder growled like a ferocious beast and lightening crackled and forked across the sky, as it did now, Thor often found himself void of company. No one dared to cross the God of Thunder while he was in such a volatile temper.

No one, it seemed, except his guileful younger brother.

As Thor stormed through the many high arched, gold gilded corridors of Odin’s palace, his war hammer clenched in his fist, he was acutely aware of a presence that had been stalking him for quite some time. The god growled under his breath, a quieter but no less frightening echo of the same ominous sound that accompanied the thundering rain outside. His steps reverberated off the tall walls and high ceiling, but were joined by no other. That meant little to Thor, whose perfectly honed skills assured him of a follower. Soon it wore on the man’s already short patience and with a snarl the blond whipped around, red cape flapping in his wake as he barked a command to the seemingly empty corridor.

“Scoundrel! Enough of your secrecy, I am aware of your presence; show yourself to me!”

There was no immediate response, and the only sound heard was of the wind and thunder at the windows and the remnants of Thor’s dying call. Then, with a sigh that bordered on exasperated, Loki stepped out from behind the nearest pillar, the broad column having easily hidden the sorcerer’s limber frame.

“Brother, what is the meaning of your unwelcome company?” Thor demanded; his mood lifting no further from the appearance of the younger prince who seemed quite unabashed at being caught. A soft tut was heard as the raven haired male took on a disapproving expression as he approached his brother.

“Now now, dear Thor, simply because one is not in the most gracious of moods does not mean you cannot offer the most basic of manners, especially to your own brother” he chided softly, voice lilting and impish which made Thor’s blue eyes narrow dangerously.

“Do not toy with me now, Loki” he warned, his voice a mere grumble. “I am not in the mood for your twisted words or wily tricks.”

Loki’s eyebrows arched in the perfect impression of surprise, his hand touching his chest to complete the look. “Thor, I am merely seeking out my brother in concern. The weather is particularly atrocious today” he replied, a smile tilting his lips. Even as he spoke, the loud drumming of the rain seemed to grow more intense until there seemed a real possibility that the windows would crack from the onslaught.

Thor ground his teeth together and spun on his heel to continue his march through the palace. The sudden placement of a daring hand on his shoulder had Thor turning sharply again with a snarl, Mjölnir smashing into the wall inches from his brother’s head. But Loki did not flinch; instead he stared at his brother with an unwavering gaze and a proposition on his smirking lips that Thor could not refuse.


At the promise of a spar, Thor found himself dutifully following his younger brother towards the main training arena. With such tension and aggression locked up whilst in one of his tempers, he was eager to finally be able to indulge in the rare outlet of battle. He had long ago scared off any sparring partners when he was in a mood as violent as today; even Sif no longer offered her services.

The walk to the arena was brisk, Thor shifting with restless energy while Loki seemed to skim soundlessly through the halls, occasionally looking over his shoulder at his brother with conniving glances that irritated the elder. Thor glared fiercely at his brother when he peered around once again, but before he could challenge the recurring glances, Loki announced their arrival at their destination by parting the large wooden doors Thor had failed to notice.

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