The Girls, the Knife, and the Darkness Part 3

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It had been 2 hours since the initial cough. Ava clutched the knife in her sweaty hand. Mia snatched their only light source out of Sarah's hands like a hawk swoops down and grabs a rat. She knew that way, she could regain at least a little more control. Ella was now in the center of the room. She was hyperactive, her eyes constantly shifting from person to person, her fingers and face twitching. The rest of her made no movement.

Mia kept the light on, and with the new batteries she used no restraint. She didn't hesitate to shine the light wherever she wanted, and took pleasure in leaving Ava in the dark. Then, she abruptly turned it off completely. Chaos immediately erupted, and using this as her disguise, Mia slipped to the other side of the room. Ava had dropped the knife, and Mia slyly felt around, and snatched it off the floor. Luckily she was near the food supply, so she was able to hide around the labyrinth of the organized crates. Ava realized then, that the knife was gone. She began to frantically dart her eyes around, but it was useless in the dark. Mia's eyes however had adjusted and she could barely make out Ava's panic. She saw this as an opportunity. She crept out of her hiding, and again snuck up behind Ava. Ava was unaware, and with this advantage, Mia held the metal knife, and attacked. Ava realized too late that Mia was there, but her reflexes were incredibly quick and she shifted just in time to avoid a blade straight to the heart. Instead, she suffered from a gash between her ribs. She yelped in intense agony, then collapsed and Arianna heard. She rushed over to her side, able to at least recognize her voice in the dark, and felt the thick liquid against her side. The stench she could easily recognize, and she knew if she couldn't stop the blood oozing out her side, Ava could bleed out. Arianna ripped off part of her sleeve and pressed it against the wound. She instructed Ava who was barely conscious to continue applying pressure while she rushed for medication and drugs. She also went to the clothing materials, and found a needle and clean thread. In the meantime Mia looked down upon her dying friend, and a wave of regret washed over her. She turned on her flashlight, and now they could all witness the sight of death. Ava's pulse slowed down at a quick rate, and Arianna screamed. This was her last resort. She drugged Ava, and her eyes closed. Her hand trembled with the needle. She began to perform a surgery, and the stitching was a sight that caused Sarah to pass out. Even worse, the drugs didn't last long enough, and halfway through the surgery, Ava was awoken. Her screams rung through the ears of Mia, and it was like listening, again, to her mother pass. She couldn't bare it. Yet, Arianna seemed not to hear it. Her hands worked nimbly, fluttering around like a butterfly, and her entire focus was purely and entirely on the stitching. Ava again screeched, begging "PLEASE! Please, ple- please..." Her eyes began to dull, and she passed out naturally. Her mouth was open a crevice, and her body was limp. The bleeding slowed, and eventually stopped. Ava was previously on the verge of death, yet somehow, she had survived.

Olivia stared at Mia. Her eyes burned furiously with unbridled rage. It was like a bull charging at a weak, helpless child. Mia didn't even try to defend herself as Olivia in her fury shoved her to the ground, and kicked her in the gut. Immediate bruising and swelling appeared all over the area as well as small cuts. Mia flinched with every blow, yet didn't struggle. Arianna ran over to stop Olivia, and luckily succeeded. Afterward, she didn't help Mia. She merely walked away, leaving Mia to feel the physical, and emotional pain.

Arianna thought of those on the outside world as she sat down in a discolored bean bag. Flashbacks of her life rushed through her head. She remembered her parents, who were shot on the streets, because one of them coughed. She remembered further back to her middle school years. Then, they had all been friends. Ava was athletic and sweet, and had always beat up anyone who bullied Arianna. Mia was wise and intelligent. She was a bit of a know it all, but no one really cared. Sarah was an orphan, who loved to daydream. Olivia was a party girl, and was so cheerful and happy. Then, there was Ella. She was happy, and adventurous, despite her darker past where her father, was arrested.

Arianna was snapped back to the present when Ella stood up and walked over to her. She whispered in her ear "Three hours since the cough." Olivia watched Arianna break into tears, and then she pushed the knife farther up her sleeve in order to conceal it. Olivia didn't want a commotion, and would use any means necessary to keep everything calm as she could. She wished she could return to the days when her only worry was seeming cheerful and happy, to hide her crippling anxiety. That was bad enough, but now she had to worry about so much more. At least she had the knife, which was an odd form of comfort. No one seemed to notice Sarah's body still passed out on the ground. As Mia began to push herself off the ground, she realized the knife was gone, and instantaneously yelled "WHO TOOK THE KNIFE?!" Arianna wilted down in fear. All Mia could see though, was guilt. She walked over to her in a rampage and continued "YOU STOLE THE KNIFE, DIDN'T YOU?!" Olivia thought of how when she shoved Mia, she grabbed the knife. She continued watching Mia scream, to see how things would play out. She desperately wanted to help Arianna, but didn't want more fighting, or anyone to know she had the knife. Mia kept going, "I thought I could trust you... I guess I can't." Arianna pleaded, "It wasn't me, I don't have it..." 

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