The Girls The Knife and the Darkness part 8

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Sarah slowly began to wake up. The place she was in looked eerily like a hospital. And it was. It was mostly abandoned besides the few doctors and nurses who had survived the epidemic. Government protections were set up all around, and panic began to take over Sarah. She threw off the blanket, and tried to stand up, but a nurse ran over, and pushed her back down. Sarah threw the lady's hands off her, and pulled the needle out of the inside of her elbow. She felt a quick shot of pain, but ignored it. Her only thoughts were on Ava and Olivia. The nurse gasped, and pulled out a walkie talkie. She muttered something incomprehensible, and Sarah heard a few crackles. A few government agents poured into the room. Sarah tried to run past them, but they lifted her up. There was almost no fight left in her. Drowsiness began to take over again, and her last thought was on her friends as she was lad back down on the bed.

The agents started talking to the nurse. "This girl was one of the only survivors, correct? And she was found with three others?" The nurse nodded and they left the room. She stuck the needle back into Sarah. Then, she walked out of the room proceeding to close the door behind her.

The policemen escorted Olivia into a room in the same hospital. Joe whispered into her ear, "Just... tell them the truth, and it'll all turn out fine." Olivia slowly walked into the room. There was a small, metal table, with a man sitting in a chair on one end. There was another chair on the other side. It was cushioned and as she sat down it was surprisingly comfortable. There were a few cookies on the table. She reached her hand out, and slowly wrapped her fingers around one. As soon as she did that, she snatched it back, and ate it at an in incredible speed.

"Now that you're properly fed, it's time to get on to some questions..." said the man. His dark suit was almost threatening. Olivia was terrified, and couldn't speak. Any words she would've spoken caught in her throat, never escaping her mind. Her brain then brought her to Arianna. What would she do? She would... she would ask the questions. She would want to know where her friends were. And so did Olivia. "How about I ask the questions. Where are my friends?" The man's facial expression was both amused, and almost admiring. He responded, "That doesn't concern you. How did you all survive the cough? Scientists have the cure now, but judging from many aspects, you all didn't get the cure. So how are you not contaminated in a town of everyone else dying?" Olivia looked back into his black eyes directly and responded, "By not getting infected." Her tone dripped like honey with sarcasm, and her eyes showed no emotion. The man said now in a more serious tone, "Why does one of your friends have stitches?" The sensitive subject caused Olivia to break into tears. She sniffled, but managed to answer, "From being stabbed. Our other friend... saved her." The man looked at her with curiosity. He asked, "Which friend?" This only caused Olivia to sob harder. The man realized she was in enough emotional and physical trauma for now. She wasn't going to talk anymore, and he sighed. He said, "That's enough for now. It's fine. You can leave." Olivia shakily stood up. The man saw how thin she was, and how tired she looked. He noticed all the cuts and bruises and even burns on her body. The poor girl. Olivia walked right out, and a few doctors surrounded her and started to walk her away. They told what everyone else did. "Its okay. Everything is going to be fine." Olivia didn't believe them.

Mia screamed and shouted, struggling to break free. "TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!" The man yelled at her, noticing she was the one who was most aggressive. She stood up and tried to punch him, but the men behind her held her back. The man stood up and he loomed over her like a shadow. "What happened?" Mia scowled at him. "What happened... Let's just say there was originally 6 of us." She cackled manically after that, and struggled harder.

The man looked at her in disgust, and said with revolt, "Lock her up." "NOOOOOO!!! LET ME GO BASTARDS!!!" Mia screeched. Sarah jumped up, a shiver down her spine. "LET ME GO!!" She heard in the distance. She jumped up, and ran straight out the door past the nurse. Her body was like a bullet, zooming around, following the screams. The nurse was in shock, and seconds later she had government agents on Sarah's tail. She pushed her body faster, running with speeds uncharted for her. Her feet were lighter than feathers, and her strides were long, carrying her faster than she ever dreamed she could go, her turns were sharp.

Mia heard footsteps approaching, and assumed it was backup coming to get her out, and adrenaline rushed faster in her veins. With one rush, Mia kicked both the guards, and in their surprise Mia ran out. Sarah heard the screams suddenly stop. "HELLO?! OLIVIA? AVA?! ANYONE?!" She heard guards coming faster at her, so she dived into a broom closet. She held her breath as she heard them pass. Just in case she stayed inside for another minute. When she walked out she headed in the opposite direction. She kept her footsteps silent, quietter than a mouse creeping around the halls, searching for some sign of Olivia or Ava.

After sneaking around for what seemed hours, but what was probably merely 30 minutes, Sarah felt hopeless. The halls seemed endless, as if it was all part of an infinite labyrinth. She wanted desperately to give up. Then, in the corner of her eye, she noticed a security camera. Luckily, she was in a hall that kept her out of sight, but if she ventured further, she would clearly be spotted. She realized if she went back, they would more easily find her. She was trapped. She hated the government agents. She just wanted her friends.

Sarah heard light footsteps approaching, and pressed her back against the wall. With a peek ever so slightly out of the small hallway, she spotted Mia. She signaled Mia in, before they were spotted by the camera. She clamped her hand over Mia's mouth as agents passed by, pressing against the wall, not making the slightest noise. As the agents passed, they both let out a sigh of relief. Then, Sarah ran, now knowing the position of the agents, she could get away. Mia followed her, not knowing where else to go.

Sarah maneuvered around, deliberately trying to lose Mia. That girl wasn't the friend she met. Mia was now a murderer. Sarah couldn't outright say it, but she didn't want Mia anywhere near her. She hated how she had killed Arianna. She hated the way she took Ella's life. Sarah in the first place could barely stand the sight of blood, shown evidently when she passed out while watching Ava get stitches. It was a secret little phobia of her's. Then, she burst through a door to her left, when she heard a familiar voice inside.

There, laying on a hospital bed, lay Ava. She looked oddly peaceful, mumbling in her sleep, in a loud voice. Sarah looked at her, then creeped into the room, silently closing the door after Mia followed her inside. Mia looked at Ava with contempt. They noticed tubes injected into Ava everywhere, and a clunky oxygen mask over her mouth, fogged up from her breath. Her hospital gown was clean, no bloodstains. This was a sure sign they redid her stitches. Sarah also noticed the bed had wheels. Probably irrational, and reckless, but she rolled the bed straight out of the room. She hated being here, and wanted out of this stupid hospital.

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