The Girls, the Knife and the Darkness Part 5

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Special part guys

"SHE DIDN'T COUGH!!!" Ava screamed, her voice raspy from her previous yells. "IT WASN'T HER!!!" She continued with each word the anger in her building up like a tornado, picking up wind. Mia no longer saw reason. The knife she clutched was stained with the blood of Arianna and Ava. Ava thought of what would've happened had she'd been awake. Mia's glare started to deepen as the two girls circled like wolves. Her anger bubbled up, her body barely able to contain the anger. Mia retorted "She admitted to it. I couldn't let her infect the rest of us. Would you rather one of us die, or WE ALL DO? I AM TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!" This hit a nerve with Ava. After all, Mia had stabbed her, with no evidence that she had coughed. Even if she had, how could Mia be so willing to kill her? And more so, how could she kill Arianna? Arianna was precious, and Mia had taken that from Ava. Depression and fury took hold of Ava's mind. Ava could no longer hold back. That demon had killed Arianna. Ava approached Mia slowly. Then, she attacked.

Ava did have the injury, but she was extremely athletic, and Mia had been taken by surprise. Ava at least had those advantages. Sarah didn't know what to do, and Olivia and Ella were in no shape to help anyone. Within a minute of struggling, Ava took possession of the knife. She pointed it straight at Mia's throat. Flashbacks of Arianna's kind deeds flashed through her head. She wanted to kill Mia with such a burning desire - but she didn't. Her hand trembled, and she dropped the knife. Mia swooped in and grabbed it. She tried to repeat her stab, and Ava again dodged it. Her stitches, however, were not holding up as well as she was.

Sarah saw that a little bit of red stained her rib, and knew that her stitches were coming undone. She at first was paralyzed, but soon realized this could quickly get severe. Ava said "NOW, THANKS TO YOU MIA, I HAVE TO LIVE WITH ARIANNA'S... Arianna's... her... HER BODY!!!" Sarah had at least dragged Arianna out of the fight, near Olivia's back, yet almost puked at touching her friend's lifeless corpse, and the sight of so much blood. Then, she ran to the fight. Unfortunately, she was not as athletic as Ava, and when she jumped in to grab the knife, Mia's movements accidentally cut Sarah. It was a cut in the arm, not fatal, but painful. Olivia finally looked back, and panic took over. Her anxiety had built up to the point where it couldn't stand much more, and now, she was at the breaking point. Sarah had placed Arianna in the wrong place, at the wrong time. When Olivia looked down at Arianna's delicate body, she screamed, as loud as Ava. Ava's pain was renewed at the sight of another's pain for Arianna's death. It was like learning it all over again, and she broke down into wails. Mia walked away, for she was done with the fighting for now. Sarah staggered off, to get a bandage, and leave Olivia and Ava, especially Ava, to their sorrow. After all, she already had her time to mourn, and she knew how they all felt. "Why did it have to be Arianna?"

Ella stammered, "I'm going to die... time to die... am I dead? I think so... I'm going to d-die." She went into a coughing fit, and finally, they all looked over. When she turned to look back at them, the sight of her was worse than Arianna' corpse. Ella's chin was covered in fresh blood, and her face had skin peeling from everywhere - it was like she had scratched it off with a knife. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her hair was matted from running her bony fingers through it, and ruffling it around in thought. Mia instantaneously realized what Arianna had done, and her own mistake. She had killed... for nothing. This time, she would kill for survival. The knife in her hand was stained with the blood now of three of her friends. That blood shouldn't be there, it should be Ella's blood. Mia slowly walked over to Ella. Ava couldn't move, because if she did, her stitches would come undone, and she would be in the same position as Arianna. Ella looked at Mia. Ella simply stated, "Kill me. Please Mia. You did it to Arianna with no hesitation, do that with me. Take that blood stained tool of the devil, and push it through my gut." Mia did hesitate though. Ava looked at her pleadingly, looking for any humane part still inside of Mia. Mia did not appeal to those parts. She looked Ella directly in the eyes, and lifted the knife. She closed her eyes, for she couldn't bare to watch her own actions.

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