The Girls, the Knife, and the Darkness part 9

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Mia, instead of trailing behind her, had enough of these antics. She went the opposite way. Mia immediately regretted it, for as soon as Sarah was out of sight she felt lost.

Mia didn't see them coming. A government agent clamped his hand over her mouth. He dragged her to another interrogation room. The same man from before stared back at her. "Where is Sarah? Our cameras caught you chasing after her." All of a sudden alarms blared, startling both Mia, and the man. A nurse screeched to a halt after entering the room. "Ava is gone." The man in a fit of rage flipped the table. He ran straight out the door, joining the search for Ava and Sarah.

Olivia was awoken by the sound of sirens. She realized that Sarah and Ava were still out there. She didn't feel anything for Mia... no love, no hate, no fear... just emptiness. She got up, and walked right out the door. Fortunately there were no guards. They were all trying to solve whatever the reason for the alarm was blaring. Olivia knew that. After roaming around a few halls, she bumped into Sarah. "SARAH!" She said, euphorically, knowing Sarah was alright. Ava also lay in a hospital bed, which Sarah had clearly been pushing around. "I know why we are here." Olivia said. Sarah looked at her quizzically. "You can explain later," Sarah began, "but right now, WE HAVE TO GO!" Olivia pulled the tubes out of Ava. Olivia slung her over her shoulder and said, "This is easier. Let's hurry, c'mon."

Ava felt dizzy. Her body moved up and down, and her feet weren't on the ground. As soon as she could see straight, she saw Sarah. Running. "What's... what's going on?" Ava mumbled. Unfortunately it was incoherent to both Olivia and Sarah. "Olivia, she's conscious again!" Olivia carefully set Ava down, propping her head up against the wall. "Guys, where's the shed? What's happening?" Ava questioned. Olivia and Sarah exchanged glances. "I have a lot of explaining to do when we escape." Olivia said. Sarah helped Ava up, as Ava's arm went over Sarah's shoulder, and Sarah wrapped her arm around Ava's waist for support. "We gotta get a move on." Olivia said urgently, and Sarah nodded in agreement.

Ava limped along, using Sarah as a support system. So far, they had evaded the agents finding them. They just needed to locate an exit, and they were in the clear. Just then, Ava spoke up. "Guys, where's Mia?" Sarah said, "She stayed behind earlier. She didn't trust me, and decided she was better off on her own, or something like that." Ava's expression was concerned. "So... you're saying we should leave her?" Olivia looked at her in awe. "You realize this is the same girl who... who... ya know."

Ava responded with, "I know. I can never forget that. Nor will I ever forget Arianna. She was... the most amazing person I will ever know. And Mia... destroyed her. But, we can't just leave her, or we are bad as Mia in the first place." Olivia solemnly agreed . She realized this, but also knew if they didn't escape, they would get caught soon. If they couldn't find an exit... all this would be for nothing. Olivia eyes darted to everything in sight, until she felt a small gust of wind blow to her left side. She looked to that direction and noticed a tunnel. And at the end: an exit. It was a slightly cracked open door. This was their chance... but Mia. Olivia picked up Ava, and grabbed Sarah's hand. "What are you doing Olivia?" Sarah asked. Then, she dragged Ava and Sarah straight to the door. She opened it, and Sarah helped Ava out. As soon as they were both safely out, Olivia closed the door, clicking the lock. Sarah started banging on the glass. "OLIVIA!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! NOOOO!!!"

Olivia walked away from the door, back into the hospital with a pained expression on her face. "I have to get Mia." She said to herself, heading out on a mission to save her former friend.

A lone guard spotted Olivia roaming around. He ran over to her, and Olivia kicked him in the gut. He wheezed, and she grabbed his pistol out of the holster. Luckily it was packed with ammunition. She closed her eyes, and with sympathy, she shot him in the foot. He collapsed on the ground in agony, and she ran off. She knew what they wanted her, after regaining small consciousness, she had eavesdropped on conversations of the nurses earlier. And if they got her... she wouldn't want Sarah to ever see her body. They wanted to... use them for experiments to find how they survived, and run tests. See if they had some type of immunity. She hoped that hadn't happened to Mia, no matter how cruel she'd been in the past. Mia at least (though Olivia hated to admit it) had understandable motives.

Mia sat, bored, locked in the interrogation room. All the people in there left after that nurse reported Ava's disappearance. They still had some caution, as Mia was locked in there, from the outside. She paced in circles, thinking of a way to escape. Then, she heard the lock click, and she dove to hide, until she saw it was merely Olivia. Alone.

Mia gazed suspiciously at her and said, "Where's Sarah, and Ava? They went out to find you."

Olivia looked back and said, "I got them outta here. Now, I'm doing the same to you."

Mia suspicions were hardened. "Why would you want to rescue me? I thought you hated me..."

"I did. I did hate you Mia. But now... the only thing things I feel for you are emptiness... and pity. Now is not the time for this though. We have to go. They want to run tests on us to figure out how we lived. This may involve dissecting.. or worse. I don't even know. So, we really need to go!" Olivia grabbed Mia's arm, and pulled her along, trying to return to the exit. She held the pistol tightly in her hand. As they walked around, Olivia made every bullet count.

Three guards, unsuspecting of her gun, ran to tackle them, and Olivia sharply turned around and shot a bullet at each of their guts. Her aim was nearly perfect, and the guards dropped like almost as fast as gravity could make them. They weren't dead, but definitely passed out. She sped up her pace, continuing to shoot anyone who tried to attack her. All of them had guns, but she drew at incredible speeds, effectively shooting them first. Mia looked at Olivia with new admiration, and slight fear. They ran outside whe they saw thee door.

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