8 - Word

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I woke up gasping. My head was pounding. I raised my hands to it, sobbing.



I froze. Slowly, my hands lowered. Cautiously, I glanced around. I was somewhere different.

"Pa...i." I panted softly. My hands pushed my hair from my face, shaking. "Ma...Hat...P-p-p...ai."

Food. Man. Food. Hate. Food. Sun. Up. Pain.

Carefully, I rose. My mind knew what to do.

I walked to the fire. I stood there, waiting.

Red. Food. Man.F ood. Man. Pain.

I glanced around uncertainly.


I heard a noise. I turned my head.

"Pu...pl!" I screamed at Word.

Word froze at my reaction. Word stopped.

"P-pa..." I moaned in fear, in pain, in terror.


Word stayed absolutely still. Word didn't come any closer.

I stared at Word, watching it's every move. Time passed. My stomach grumbled.

"Fo...d," I mumbled. Word stayed put. I nodded. "Food."

Slowly, keeping Word in my sights the entire time, I moved around the small clearing. I spotted a berry bush. I made my way over.

"Fo!" I cried happily, my stomach still grumbling.

Food. Pain. Sun. Up. Food. Pain.

I stuffed the tart, small berries in my mouth. "Yu...m..."

I heard a noise. My head startled up, like a deer about to be shot by a hunter's arrow. I screeched. "Pain!"

I huddled closer to the berry bush, shaking.

The noise stopped. I looked back. Word had moved.

I whimpered softly. Word's eyes changed.

Black. Orange. Purple! Pain!

I cried. My hands came around myself. "Lo...Wor..."

My head fell into my hands. "Wor...d...He...Lov."

Word finally spoke. "Ana. Please, calm down, sweet. I won't hurt you."


Word let out a soft sound, similar to my cry of pain. "Ana, please...You're killing me."

I slowly lifted my head. "No...Ma...k-killlllll..." My voice struggled to speak. "Re...d. Pain. M...an. Ha...Wor." I tried to explain to Word.

Red. Pain. Man. Hate. Word. Pain.

Word sighed. "I didn't realize, Ana. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let it go so far. I would take it all back if I could."

I froze. Take back?

No. Have to talk. Have to speak. Have to find Word.




I groaned, lifting a hand to my aching temple.

Would Word hurt me too? Would Word tell me no talking?

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