Chapter 5

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I'm woken up by someone shaking my shoulder.

Ember: "Go away."

Felix: "Ember, Phoebe is here to take us to school. She brought our school uniforms."

Ember: "If it's not black and white I'm not wearing it."

Andy: "Hurry up Ember. We don't want to be late."

Ember: "Fine, someone toss the hideous dress to me."

The dress lands on my head and I disappear with it under the comforter. When I go to take off my shorts, I realize they aren't even on. 

Ember: "Not again."

Felix: "What is it?"

Ember: "Nothing. I'm fine."

I take off my shirt, put on my bra and then my dress and shoes.

Ember: "Okay, I'm ready."

I put my bag on my shoulder and we all go to Phoebe's van, but this time, I have to sit on someone's lap. I chose to sit on Felix's lap in the front seat. We pull into the school parking lot.

Jake: "I still don't get why we have to go to school."

Phoebe: "You want the police off your backs, you go to school. Gary was on my case again this morning, so try not to do anything suspicious."

Andy: "A bit late for that."

Felix: "You didn't have to bring us here."

Phoebe: "Well you can't just turn up to school without your Auntie Phoebe."

Sam whispers to Andy.

Sam: "She creeps me out."

Andy: "Yeah."

Sam: "Well at least this place hasn't changed."

Felix: "Famous last words."

Ember: "Only you would be happy to go to school Sam."

Sam: "Now this is where the magic begins."

I get out of the van and Phoebe holds Felix back for a second when the other 3 are out. Once Felix is out, I wave to Phoebe.

Sam and Andy are excited about this. 

Ember: "I'm just gonna hide in the back of our little group."

I walk beside Felix as we go in and everyone is looking at Andy rather than Sam. That must suck for him. Sam waves at Mia and it looks as if she is walking toward him, but she passes right by him.

Ember: "I never liked her anyhow."

Felix: "Yeah."

All of a sudden, Sean comes up to us.

Sean: "Hey Ember. Care to join me for lunch?"

Ember: "Sorry, but I don't think I can today. I'll be too busy trying to get up to speed in my classes."

Sean: "It's cool. Do you need help finding your class?"

Ember: "No, I already know where it is. Thanks for the offer."

Sean: "Can I still give you that tour of the school I offered?"

Ember: "Alright, after 1st okay?"

Sean: "Kay, I'll see you later."

He takes my hand and kisses it. I hold back my grossed out face as he walks away.

Andy: "What was that?"

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