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It had been a week since the Quell. district 12 no longer exists.
and I haven't spoken to Brook.

i did something wrong.
i did something terribly wrong.
i tried to kill her.
how was i going to make this right?
talk to Snow.

i walked to the Capitol and knocked on the door. two peacemakers appeared.

"greetings, mr. odair."

i smiled. "i need to talk to President Snow please."

they looked at each their before nodding and leading me to the Presidents room.

"president, you have a visitor."

the peacemakers left and i walked in.

snow was turned around in his chair. he didn't even have to look back.

"finnick. how are you?"
he turned around and smirked.
"sit down."

i sat in the chair across from his desk.

"now what is it that brings you here?" snow asked.

"i couldn't do it. why did you stop the games? why did you take johanna and peeta?" i asked.

he shook his head.
"aww, finnick. you don't understand, do you? i ordered you to kill that girl. and did you? no. why is that? because you love her?"

"she didn't believe me."

"she didn't have to know." he snapped.

"sir, where's peeta and johanna?"
i asked.

"peeta and johanna?" he laughed.
"it's not just them, finnick,"

i shook my head. "what do you mean?" i asked slowly.

"you'll see. peacemakers! take him away!"

the two peacemakers entered the room and each grabbed me by an arm.

"what did you do to her?!"
i screamed.


a week since i've seen brook.
all this time i've thought she was avoiding me when really...Snow has been keeping her held hostage.

i walked to her house and knocked on the door.

"clayton! clayton, are you there?"

he swung the door open.

"finnick! hey! any news?" he looked worried.

"any news about what?"

he narrowed his eyes at me.
" know she's missing, right?"

i closed my eyes. "i just talked with president snow. he has her. he has her, peeta, and johanna. i don't know where, though."

"you have to do something, finnick. you're the only one that can. if snow has her, so does coin. right?"

i nodded. "yeah, you're right."

"can you talk to her?" he asked, in hope.

i nodded. "i will right away."

i stated to walk away but he stopped me.


i turned around.


he hesitated and took a deep breath. "you really do love her...don't you?"

i smiled. "yeah i do."

and with that, i walked away.

hoping y'all are liking this series as much as i enjoy writing it 😁this will probably be my last book of the series.
it's better to post 2+ chapters a day than have people waiting impatiently for me to update am i right?


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