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When I woke up, I was in a bed. Not my bed. A hospital bed. Where am I? I wondered.

I tried to call someone. Nothing came out. Then I remembered. Brook tried to kill me.

I spotted a button rested in the palm of my hand. Call, it read. I clicked the button and Penia came rushing in.

"Finnick! You're awake!" She smiled, tearfully.

I tried to speak but barely anything came out.
"Ell. A b she a edly un."

"What?" Penia handed me a notebook and pen.

I looked at her and grabbed the pen, flipping to a piece of paper.
Hell, maybe she's the deadly one. I wrote.

Penia grabbed the sheet of paper and read it, laughing.
"Maybe. You know that wasn't her, though. The Capitol did this to her."

I nodded.

"We need to get you to try to speak. You've been asleep for two days."

I widened my eyes and tried to speak. "Air...where is she?" I asked, finally able to speak.

Penia shook her head, "You can't see her. She's in the other room."

I sighed. "Can I leave?" I asked with a croak.

Penia nodded. "Yes, let's go. Brook will be able to leave in a few days."

I unhooked the devices and wires hooked to me and stepped out of bed.

I walked with Penia to see the group. We passed Brook's room and I stared through the window for a while. She was fighting the chains hooked to her hands and feet and stopped when she saw me. Penia quickly pulled me away.

"Come on," she instructed.

Boggs, Cressida, Pollux, Messalla, and the others greeted me.
"Finnick, how nice to see you!"
"How are you doing?"
"Man, it's good to see you again."
Pollux smiled with a wave. I smiled back. "Nice to see you."

"Where's Clayton?" I asked. I looked around.

Alba walked out from around the corner and gave me a hug. "He's right here."
Clayton soon followed her and smiled, giving me a "bro hug" and patting me on the back. "Nice to see you, man."

"You too." I said.

Clayton shook his head. "I'm sorry she did that. I never thought she'd e-."

"Clayton, don't." I interrupted. "It's the Capitol, not her."

Clayton sighed. "Okay. I know you just got out from bed but..Coin needs to see us."

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