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WARNING NOT EDITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought you might want to read abit more and im dedicating this to one of my readers for giving me and lovely comment thanks by the way ;) I will be dedicating it to more people

One thing is the Night pack is the pack she is in now, Her old pack is called Silver Moon pack and last of all another pack wich will be introduced in a few chapters soon will be called Midnight Moon Pack

Ok so now that cleared,

no more talking or writing, ok well here you are guyz:


1 year later: So it means she is 18 years old

Angelica's pov:

School. Today I had school, for the one year I had been in the Night pack I had been homeschooled by Jar (Jared) or sometimes by his mate Kacey.

They met each other after a few months I had joined the Night pack. Kacey is sweet and cool, we hang out and she has become one of my bestfriends. She is like my rock. Always strong for me.

Today Jar and Kace thought I should see how school is,  over the past years I've totally changed not just  apperance wise but I have become a lot more mature.

I have long curly blonde hair that I died a bit Auburn at the end of the tips, Its so light you can't really see it unless my hair is made properly.
I have lost a lot of weight and had gained curves and tonned legs from all the training and work-outs i had particiated in. I grew taller about 5'8 and from all the training sessions I had become more stonger, and gained muscles and abs.
I become one best female fighter and not to brag or anything but I got choosen as th head leader in training.

Throughout the year I have been training as well as getting homeschooled.

I made a few friends in the pack which are; Kacey (Kace) you already now she is Jar's mate, Stephanne (Steph) which is Treve's mate. They met at school when Steph was new and had yet to join the pack.

Someone opened my door bursting my thoughts. Two weights jumped on my bed.

"Argh!!! Steph and Kace really?" I mutter opening my eyes, but not before seeing four pair of eyes staring into my two eyes. Wait four eyes.

"Whatever! Get up, get up Angle, you got school" Kace said with a bright smile spreading across her cheeks.

"Yay! It's school" I say with less enthusiasm and deep sarcasm. " You know you two way a tons of elephants-

" Hey were really skinny, like umm.....models" Steph began.

"Yeah" added in Kace.

Even though I know they were skinny they still are pretty heavy because they eat literally anything that's edible. But even though they are kind of heavy, I'm stronger. I still get up with them falling across the sides of my bed.

"Hey kace, Steph you guys look halirous acroas my bedroom floor" I say looking at them and lightly laugh.

Steph and Kace were sprawled across each side of my bed, lying in a funny diagonal with the hair all messed around them.

"Haha! Very funny," Kace said, getting up into a sitting position and brushing her hair with her hands out of her face, same with Steph. "You need to hurry up, you got school remember" Steph says.

"I remember, I'm going to have a shower do you mind if you could sort my bed out please" I bat my eyelashes at them and start pouting my lips horribly probably resembling a ugly duck.

I was a nobody but now I'm somebody *SLOW UPDATES AND IN NEED OF EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now