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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time now. Well here's a new chapter.
Ethan's POV:
The ride to come here was fun but this is the place where fun actually begins and were it always begins for all of us well for me ,emily,ben,and our parents they.We would come here every summer every week this was the funniest place to be at and we can finally be a family again after a long time of being apart.

Jack's POV:
I'm excited but scared at the same time what will Emily do what will she say when me and mari tell her that Ethan is her brother will she hate us or will she still love us will she forgive us. I was so worried that I,  wasn't paying attention on where I'm walking and I bumped into someone that I dated a long time ago and he used to abuse me. I helped and tried to run but couldn't so I yelled marks name and Ethan heard and he said dad and Emily heard and saw and same with Mark so Emily came and kicked my ex in the balls and he let me go.

Mark's POV:
I was with the kids while I, was talking when Emily and Ethan ran but I didn't see where until Ethan yelled dad. Emily saw what was going on and she ran to jack and kicked jack' s ex in the balls and Jack was let go and Emily hugged him so did Ethan then I went over and hugged them then the rest came over and hugged us and Emily asked the question.

Emily's POV:
Daddy why did Ethan call you dad? Their are so many questions that I am thinking right now like do I actually have a brother and it's Ethan or was he just yelling stuff out of the blue I was still thinking when dad said "Emily, me and ur daddy have to tell you something" and then they told me Ethan is my brother I was happy and hugged my parents and then my brother.

Dark's POV:
Anti and I were with Brandon, Ben, and Tyler when all of a sudden I saw Mark running after Ethan and when I went to see what happened I saw Emily kicking Jack's ex and then hugging her parents and brother then I got near them and Jack said Emily me and ur daddy need to tell you something and I went eyes wide as he told Emily the truth.

Anti's POV:
The boy's and I were waiting for dark and the rest to come back while we were waiting some fans come to take pictures and to get autographs it was fun to meet them and luckily we had Emily's vlogging camera to record everything while we were recording Dark came back with the rest and I smiled and ran to Dark jumped on to his arms and kissed him and then smiled that he was back and that nothing had happened to him nor my family.

Tyler's POV:
I was waiting for my baby boy for a few minutes until I saw him and he ran and hugged me and I hugged back and kissed his head and smiled at how adorable he is I, smiled and spinned him around as he giggled I smiled and put him down and held him close and kissed him.

Brandon's POV:
After the others came back we went to have fun at the carnival and then after being at the carnival we got in the car and we went to the beach. We were in the car listening to music and doing more footage of our day it is so fun , and then we arrived and we got everything and sat it on the sand and we went to change into our swimming suites and then walked and recorded more.

Nathan's POV:
I was at the beach and then I saw Emily in a two piece bathing suite but her dad covered the view of Emily and I frowned and then all of the family got together even Brandon and got a picture token and then they all got settled and Emily went to the water and walked along the beach side and then Brandon chased her and picked her up and walked into the water with Emily on his shoulders and then the rest of her family came in the water and had a chicken fight and then my view was blocked by Emma and she said "can we go in the water" and of course I said yes and we went in and got near Emily and her family and I over heard them talk about going to the movies and that have me an idea.

Emma's POV:
Me and Nathan got in the water and swam around I was having fun until Nathan was looking off and looking at Emily so I swam in front of him and kissed him to distract him from her and he can pay attention on me and he did and he said why did you do that and I told him I don't like it when your looking at her and not me I'm your girlfriend I need the attention not her she has her family for that not you ok.

Ben's POV:
I was swimming around when i heard a voice a voice I said I would never hear nor let Emily near that person has an obsession on me and my family both of my dad's try to keep away from all of us she would do anything to be near us she has been to all meet and greets every vidcon's and it scares me that she might get near my family that girl is so crazy I would do anything to keep her away from my family.

Ethan's POV:
I picked up y little sister and walked to land and we went to go and get ice cream she was giggling and it is adorable we got to the ice cream cart and I got Emily her favorite ice cream and we went back back to our towel and ate the ice cream and watched our family play around in the water this is a fun day I can't wait to go to the movies to watch a few movies with my family this is the best day ever.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
   Have a great day/night 🙂

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