Missing the world

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I dropped my phone. My mind went blank not knowing what to think. Panic sets in. I never really talk about audrey because she's has dwarfism and a lot of people find her strange, so I don;t talk about her a lot but I love her she was like a sister to me we have so many inside jokes like marrying a pole. Calling our crushes by animal names. I miss her we haven't seen each other since halloween we've been so busy her with basketball me with soccer, but we've always kept a close relationship and she was supposed to come over soon, I hope she's okay.

Audrey POV

I wake up in a cold dark room with a small light illuminating part of the room. My hands and ankles are tied but my mouth isn't gagged. Then I hear loud footsteps echo through the empty room. My heart begins to race wondering who it is, I'm not blindfolded I can see fine and then I see him. My second cousin Frederick standing over me with an evil grin across his face.

"My dear cousin Audrey, I've always had a thing for you. You've always been so pretty your small height I've grown to adore. Now if it wasn't against the law for me to date you i would've, but your 14 and I'm 20 and our parents wouldn't allow that would they?" he told me in such an unsettling tone. I met him once when I was 12 at a family reunion 10 years after my uncle passed away to almost remember him by and I met him he was 17 almost 18 at the time, and he wouldn't leave me alone, I thought it was because he wanted to get to know me better I was wrong oh so wrong.

He continued "Now I've brought you here I want you, you're so pretty and lovely I'm shocked you don't have a boyfriend I mean if you got one after yesterday at 5:30 then I don't know,"

I'm speechless. He's been stalking me for the past 2 years! "N.n.no" I stutter out of my mouth. My mouth feels dry and my throat is scratchy. How long have I been out for? I think to myself. I need water so I manage to say " can.n i get some water?"

"Of course," he replied.

"He gave me a glass of water and tasted kinda funny but I didn't care I was thirsty. I drank all of it in a second and began to feel sleepy realizing he put sleeping pills in the water. I was soon asleep.

Avery POV

I didn't sleep that night. Too many things consumed by brain. To many thoughts. Too many worries. When I saw the time on my phone it was 7am and the only time i closed my eyes was to blink, then I remembered that Lindsey was coming over after school and I tried to sleep but the pain in my jaw not letting me, so I cleaned my room. It was painful but I needed to do something to keep my mind away from over thinking. As I'm cleaning my room I walk past my mirror and see my reflection and I can not see someone I love, instead I see someone I hate. I try to push that thought away but I can't. It stays there so loud in my head, i can't ignore it. I run to the bathroom and threw up any food lingering in my system. My jaw hurts from opening it, but I don't care my food is gone which means I'll be skinnier. I step on the scale and my thoughts pound against my skull 87.6 pounds. I have only lost 1 pound since last last week! I need to exercises. I lay down on my floor doing sit ups, my jaw hurts but pushing it aside and only focusing on the amount of calories im burning. I reached 100 sit ups and collapsed on the floor exhausted. I manage to get up and go on my phone, 10:30. I still have time to do more exercises.

Around 11:45 i'm done exercising and burned 500 calories. Feeling accomplished I lay down and set my alarm for 1 to get ready for Lindsey. Soon enough I fall into a deep sleep and soon enough my alarm is going off and I get ready. Soon enough the bus stops at the top of my driveway I'm too tired and upset to greet her so I grab my school stuff and cookies for Lindsey. When she comes upstairs the first thing she says to me is what happened. Apparently she was able to sense that I'm sad, but I did not want her pity my mom is moping around the house because Adabelle is her sister and Audrey is one of her favorite nieces. So I wrote down everything is alright I just didn't sleep that's all. She replied with oh okay when do u get that brace off? I wrote down 4 days. She seemed happy about that.

There wasn't much work to do considering it was friday so we mainly just watched our show. Something strange happened today that feeling of happiness I felt yesterday didn't come today. I felt so empty and upset today like I would never be truly happy ever, I mean I don't think I deserve to be truly happy. There's too many things to not like about me, and others know that and think I'm worthless which I am. I don't look like them. They don't like me, hell I don't like myself so they're right I am worthless, I am fat, I am a freak.


My phone went off, its a text from Tyler. My heart stopped beating.

Tyler hey I can't believe I actually dated you I already have anew girlfriend and shes better than you. Shes much hotter, skinnier, funnier than you.

Me Good for you. I get it I'm not any of those things have fun with your new girlfriend and life.

Tyler Yea you're right you're not any of those things, you're not even close to pretty good luck finding friends, maybe that's why one of them commited suicide.




Tyler Bye I hate you

Tears streaming down why would he bring up Nicole like that? Maybe that's why she committed suicide. Everything Tyler said about me is true I am ugly I am not skinny. I am not funny. Everyone hates me. I hate myself. So why am I still here?

(A/N) I hope you enjoy a little answer to my plot twist from the previous part and more plot twists in this one. What do you guys think of Lindsey? 

Btw thank you so much for 100 reads!!!!!!! I really appreciate it sorry its short and took   so long to come out I had some writers block and a lot to do with the 2nd quarter ending next week and I have lot of quizzes, tests and projects coming up so I will try to update but I can't promise you how long it will take 

Flame of the Last Rose (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang