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Avery's Mom POV

My husband and I finally came up with a way to talk to avery about her note, we thought just be honest with her, no matter if it hurts her feelings or if she hates she needs to know.

"Avery the reason why we didn't encourage you do follow your dreams in the arts is because we didn't think it was sane, we didn't think you could achieve it. However we heard your singing, we saw your drawings, and we thought maybe we should let her, but then you got accepted onto the soccer team and we didn't bring it up again because we thought you were happy with doing that. We hit you when you found out you had a girlfriend because it's a new thing to us, we didn't know what was going to happen, and we don't hate you for being different we're just confused. I'm sorry if we never showed it Avery but we love you, even though we may not show it we do we truly do," I explained to her with tears in my eyes

"Thanks mom, that solves some problems but not all, but it helps thank you," Avery whispered to me.

For once I felt like I did something good

Lindsey's POV

It felt like the days leading up to monday just flew by because next thing you know I'm getting ready for school. I think I spent 15 minutes just deciding what to wear, because it was hard finding outfit that went with my hair. In the end I went with a white tank top a black and white flannel with a pair of ripped jeans, and my all time favorite combat boots. Granted it looked plain against my blue hair but I didn't care I thought it looked cute and I went off to school. I checked my planner to see what day it was, and just my luck my least favorite teacher first period.

With Avery being in the hospital I wasn't sure if the school knew but they did. On the morning announcements they would say all prayers goes out to avery who is still in hospital and recovering. They didn't mention anything about her eating disorder, which is good that's the last thing she needs after all of this. Her parents do know about it because the doctors kinda figured it out, but I'm glad her parents didn't tell the school.

As I walk through the halls of the school I can feel the stares whispers and laughter coming from the people around me about my hair. I felt my confidence that I had slowly leaving my body. I didn't feel so confident anymore. However I kept my head up, I am not going to let a bunch of assholes and their opinions on my hair take me down today.

As the day goes on I collect my work from not being in school for a week and a half, and just think I can't visit Avery tonight., I mean I want to but I want to past so bad. When I got home I made copies of all my homework to give to avery to work on and then I start working on mine and copying down the notes I missed.

About 3 hours later I finally finished it, and put it all in my bag for school tomorrow. My teacher gave me a few days to do considering why I was out for so long, but i figured I should get it done and over with so I can see Avery in the next couple days. Plus when I'm given days and I use them I feel the stress of turning them in on time so i get it done as soon as I can so I don't have to worry about it later. I finished everything so I thought I should head to bed.

I couldn't sleep I was so tired but I was worried about avery and what was going to happen to her and if she was okay I couldn't sleep. I found myself crying from a lot of things. The kids at school, my worry about Avery, even my dad for the first time in a while. I finally fell asleep and woke up to my alarm for school I couldn't wait to talk to Miss baker. I knew she was going to grab me today because she's not in on monday and I'm at school for the first time in a week. I put on some clothes a black sweater and a pair of maroon jeans it looks alright with the hair but I'm off to school.

I couldn't focus today it seemed as if though my thoughts were consumed by self doubt. I knew I wasn't okay but I wanted the problem to go away. That's all I wanted was the problem to go away. However doing so I gave myself an anxiety attack worrying about everything. I had to leave the classroom. At least next period was study and I got to Miss Baker. She walked in and grabbed me and she knew something was up. She didn't bring it up on the way to her office, she was talking about my hair and how good it looked and how she is happy I'm back. When we got to her office I explained how I've been feeling and what happened last night and today.

"My question is why do you worry so much about the problem going away rather than actually how can I solve it?" She asked me.

"I guess it's just because when I see a problem my first thought is for the problem to be gone to leave, but I don't stop and think about how I can solve it I just know I want it gone," I answer her the best I could.

"Understandable, and you mentioned something about your dad, can you explain?" she asked me.

"Well yesterday during school kids were almost making fun of my hair and I guess it lowered the strength I had over my dad's death and I started crying over it last night, because I felt weak and worried," I answered her through tears

"I understand how upsetting this is and your only 15 and the things you have gone through most people don't go through in their lifetime. So many problems can happen in life, you need to learn how to solve them," she explained to me.

Her advice stuck to me and we continued to talk about how I felt with Avery until I had to go back to class I may be a little weaker, but I will become stronger.

(A/N) I know I just posted yesterday but I had a really good idea for this part and wanted to get it out I orginaly was just gonna write a little today but ended up finishing the part. Btw thank you guys so much for 300 reads this story means so much to me I'm so happy so many of you read it, it really means a lot to me and this couldn't have been a more perfect time to hit because I am having a rough week and this hitting 300 just made it a little better and I appreciate that, so thank you all love you. :)

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