Normal life?

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I enter the hospital the next day with having more confidence in myself than I ever did before, granted I wasn't happy, because no matter how confident I am the reason why I walk into the hospital in the first place stuck to me like glue I was there to make sure my girlfriend is still alive. Today was different though. I walk into Avery's hospital room and I saw the doctor talking to Avery's parents. I put my back against the wall and pay close attention to their facial expressions, and for the first time since Avery was admitted their faces showed hope, and relief. I felt relief flood over me from just looking at them. The doctor leaves the room and the nurses walk in and do stuff to Avery, I walk in and ask Avery's parents what the doctor had to say.

"Lindsey you'll never believe it they're going to finally wake her up she is fully stable now and her organs are too, and I love your hair," She told me wiping away her tears of relief.

"Thank you," I told her trying not to cry with her, "I'm sure Avery will be happy to know audrey is safe and that she was never alone,"

"Exactly, they told us she will be awake in a few hours," her mom informed me.

I was so excited, it's kinda like the day we met 2 years ago.

~Flash back to 2 years ago~

(Still told in lindsey's POV)

It was my first day at my new school it was weird though I was coming right in the middle of 7th grade everyone already has their friends groups, plus the only reason why I left my old school was because of bullying and people being homophobic towards me. I hated it, which is why I'm glad I moved schools and now I'm only going to come out to 1 person who that person will be I don't know but it'll be someone I trust enough to not tell anyone.

I walk into the school that will be my next torture place and I was given my schedule she told me what period I will be going to and that a girl in my class will take me on a tour. I didn't know what to do what that information, but waited for my tour guide to come up. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw. The most beautiful girl I have ever met step foot into the office. She had medium length blonde hair with an almost flawless complexion. She was tall and slender.

"Hey I'm Avery, I'll be your tour guide," she announced to me holding out her hand.

"Ummm yeah thanks," I muttered out through my daze of her beauty and shook her hand.

"Your name?" she asked me her lips turning into a smile.

"Oh yea its Lindsey," I answered her with my brain screaming at me saying YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT

"Let's begin the tour," she declared and we were off.

That tour however was more than just a tour we were laughing telling each other stories and we had the same schedule so after that was done we head to the remainder of 2nd period, she asked me if we could sit together at lunch I gladly said yes. I thought to myself if things go right she will be the person I come out to.

~Flash back over~

(still in Lindsey's POV)

A few hours later Avery's mom told me that they're going to start waking Avery up, I was so excited she was one step closer to recovery. I went to her room and the nurses put something in her to have her wake up. I watched as the medicine took its course her fingers started twitching her eyes fluttering and then her eyes opened she was finally awake. Her mom and dad left the room thinking about what to say her after the letter, they also figured it would be better if she woke up to her girlfriend anyways.

"Hey Avery" I whisper as her eyes look at mine.

"Hey you're still by my side," she muttered.

"I never left in the first place" i declare.

"Why did you stay by me?" she asked me in a whisper.

"Because Avery no matter what you didn't tell me, or what you were doing to yourself I don't see you any less than who you are. Just because you attempted suicide twice self harmed all of that, I'm still with you, all of that does not change you, it only makes you stronger. Listen I've gone through hell too, it's hard sometimes, you find yourself happy, and then you don't, I get it Avery, I still love you and you will always be the beautiful Avery I met on my first day of school, no matter what happens," I answer her with my deepest truths being revealed and squeezing her boney hand tight.

"You're the first person who has loved me through all my dark days, I guess It's good we're together," she beamed with smile spreading across her face. "Also I love your hair but why that color?" she asked me.

"Well i did this color because it's the eating disorder awareness color i dyed it this color for you," I answer her and found myself smiling as well.

"You did this for me?" she almost cheered.

"Yes because like I said you may have mental illnesses but you are still Avery and that will not change," I assured her stroking her hair.

"Lindsey what I did I do to deserve you?" she asked not looking for answer.

Shorty after her parents walked in since they gave us privacy I was going to give them privacy. I don't know how that went but I'll find out tomorrow, but for now I have my therapy appointment. I feel good going to this one, Audrey out of the hospital Avery's awake things are starting to piece back together again.

I walked in and met with rose and she commented on my hair she liked it. Then I told her about all the good and amazing things that happened and, she asked me if I felt like going back to school. I thought about it but, then I realized I might as well go to school while I feel confident in myself. On Monday I start school. Things are starting to go back to normal. 

(A/N) Okay so lemme clear something up Lindsey changed schools and was still being bullied online by people at her other school she only met Avery 2 years ago okay thats it

I'm actually posting part on time even though i should be doing summer work but oh well, anyways school is starting for me at the end of the month so I don't know how much this will be updated considering I'm in all honors classes so please bare with me on when this will be updated thank you alll love ya!

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