《Chapter 1》A Fresh Start

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I let out an irritated sigh as I sat down at the kitchen table. "Wow, what's wrong? You're not excited about school" My mother asked.

"Well, Yeah, it's just...why do I need to go to school but he doesn't?" I point at my brother. "Because he's older and going to college next week" my dad comments. "Yeah, I know that it's just...unfair"

"How is it unfair? I worked hard for this, you're just 16, when you're older you get to complain" Micheal said, throwing his pencil at me. "Just shut up and eat your food, you got 10 minutes to get ready." my mom said, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah... I know, I'll be ready, I just want to go to sleep"

"Tonight you get to sleep, now you have to study," my brother says before going upstairs. "tonight can't get here fast enough," I said stuffing my face with breakfast "Stop complaining and eat your breakfast, normally, please?" My dad said

After I finish my breakfast I head upstairs and start getting ready. Let's hope for finally some normal friends. If you don't count the weirdos I already know. Maybe this year I can fall in love, Yeah, nope there's no way. I'm too weird for that. Gathering all my stuff I head back downstairs where I see my mother, ready to drive me to school.

"Ready to go?" She asks when she sees me walking downstairs.
"Mom? You know I could take the bus to school?" I asked "Yeah, I know, and tomorrow you can do that. But today I'm taking you to school.

"Haha.. ok fine, but only today, I can go to school on my own, you know that"
"Yeah, but still let's go" my mom walked to the car and before going after her I said goodbye to my dad and followed her.

"Good luck, don't do anything stupid" as I turn around I see my brother in the window, waving.

"I'll try," I say back. After that, I get in the car and my mom drives me to school. On the way I look at the bus stop I usually take, it's been a while since my mom brought me to school.


"Do you want me to pick you up?" My mom asks when I got out of the car.
"No mom, I can get home by myself" "Are you sure I can easily come to get yo-"

"MOM, it's fine, thanks. Now, I gotta go or I'll be late"

"Yeah...I'm sorry, just, be careful okay"

"Yeah..bye mom," I say slowly walking backward


Ok, here we go.

As I walk inside I start to remember last year, meeting all my friends, all the stupid things we did and talked about.  Before I could find anybody I knew, I bumped into someone while thinking about last year.

"I'm sorry," I said, the other person didn't answer, he just walked away. Maybe he's in a hurry.

"HEEEYYY~" I suddenly hear from behind. Before I could see who I feel a heavyweight falling on my back and shoulders. "Whoah, what are you doing" I complain, trying not to fall down.

"What's up, we missed you" the voice whispered in my ear.

"Woah, okay get off!" I push them off and when I turn around I see my friends standing there, all three of them. The weirdos I hung out with for some reason.

"Dude, how did you get so heavy"

"Hey shut up, you're the one who got weaker" Emily complained.

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