Food for the Gods (part 2)

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"Love is the essence of all that is good in our world, minus the racism"

Years went by as I ventured on my own, taking one chick after the other one at a time. Making my own rules to keep a good karma,

Never date a married woman
(Applies on a widow, at times)
Never date a girl who recently got it or is engaged
Never date drunk girls
(tipsy ones are good though)
always keep the precaution kit closeby
Never be too eager to snatch them
Never hump and drive
Rarely perform on public lavatories
Rarely perform on public transportation vehicles
Rarely perform on theaters
Settle a good debt before a good deal is made

*These ones are off the list for unshareable reasons*
Never trust 'Psychopath's' pleas for lust
(Psychopath is a girl I dated during a semester)
Never trust 'Psychopath's' deals
Never trust 'Psychopath'
*These were taken off the list for unshareable reasons*

This last one is not the last one but rather the last one that will be shared due to information conflicts.

Never settle on a prey on any church
(Let them come to you)

We attended this one church for one reason only
(to PURGE our SINS), to get as much women from youth camps as we possibly can. A young attendee had a small crush on me during said attendance on a given church that may or may not have been owned by a friend of mine. One of her friends was defiantly an over achiever mainly because she succeeded in making the two of us a couple (for a short period of time). I ended it because one it was because of her age, the second would have something to do with her being a minor (I was two years older than her) and the main thing was her age (oh and yes I had to repeat that one thing). We tried it again years later but I have since decided to move on (Career defining conflict. Something to do with a church, hers not mine. Primarily, her devotion). I also dated a few church goers who I've met during some of our tours, others even while we dated. Possibly one of the reasons why I never followed through, let's go with that. I wasn't about to become the reason on why her choice to help a religion would be deterred if she stayed to be mine.
One of the stories even involved a name tag, see I didn't want people to know my real name (embarrassment issues, among other things), so I borrowed our pastor's son's name tag. I wore it when we went out and was asked for my number on a few occasions. I thought at that time that I hsd the edge considering that I was taller than my friends and had more sense when it comes to fashion. But people kept on telling me it had something to do with my eyes, and lips. I went on a spree, taking women and keeping it a secret from my double-crossing, backstabbing, treacherous, betrayal-worthy "friends".

I've only ever shared my all of my exploits on one of my true friends in the whole wide world, Topher.

He knows everything, from every detail to every dirty damn good deed. Which made his virginity seem a bit more like hell on earth (his words not mine).


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