Day two.

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So this chapter is gonna be in Jimin's POV
(J) Hope you enjoy!!

Jimins's POV

"Koooookie" jimin wined whilst looking over at Jungkook. "What chim chim? I'm busy" Jungkook huffed. "Do you remember that girl from yesterday? Y/N was it? She was really pretty. I should've given her my number" Jimin said whilst running a hand through his hair and leaning back into the black sofa he was sitting on. "Yeah I remember her. But she's just a stranger who you walked int-" Jungkook was cut off by Jimin who had sprung off the sofa and into the kitchen where Jungkook was. "Correction Kookie. She walked into me. It had to be fate! How many girls have you seen that were that beautiful?" Jimin started rambling on before Namjoon walked through the door. "Jimin you honestly need to let it go. You're probably never gonna see her again so what's the point?" Namjoon looked towards Jimin who was now frowning. "You're probably right..." Jimin sighed before walking out of the kitchen and into his room. "I know!" Jimin virtually screamed at the top of his lungs making the other six boys run into his room. "What's wrong?! Who's being murdered?!" Yoongi yelped before squaring up to nothing. "Nothings wrong. I just had an amazing idea!" Jimin said beaming towards his friends. "Care to share?" Hoesek smiled at Jimin. "It involves the beach we were at yesterday. I want to find Y/N again!" Jimin sat back down on the bed after saying that. "Honestly chim chim. Just let it go" Namjoon said huffing and turning around to leave the room. "Namjoon you don't get it. Y/N was beautiful. I just want to be with her all the time!" Jimin looked hurt at what Namjoon had said previously. Jimin didn't know it... but all 7 of the other boys had fallen for Y/N even more than Jimin had. He just didn't know it...

Ayyyye so this was the second chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and comment! Until next chapter my lovelies :3

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