Day three.

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So before this chapter starts. This ones gonna be in your POV. I (J) Hope you enjoy it!!

You woke up in your cold four room apartment by the beach. You were thinking about the seven men you met two days ago. "I wonder if I'll ever see them again..." you say to yourself before looking out your window at the already full beach. "Ugh. Another full beach day. Hmmmm I miss those seven..." you sigh to yourself before getting dressed into a black vest top (A/N or tank top if you're not from England) and a floral kimono. A pair of jean shorts and a pair of vans. You grab your bag with a towel in it and walk out your door and to the beach. Out the corner of your eyes you can see the seven boys you met two days previously. You notice them slowly walk up to you and you smile. "Hey Y/N!" Yoongi smiled. "Hey Yoongi! Hey guys!" You smile almost bursting to hug them. "How've you been Y/N?" Namjoon looked towards you. "Oh... uhh I've been alright" you stutter at the sudden question. "Hey Y/N. Can I uhhh... talk to you over there for a second?" Taehyung gestures towards the start of the beach. "Oh yeah sure" you hesitate before answering but you go before smiling at the other six. "So Tae... what did you want to talk about?" You ask looking at him. "Oh... uhhh... I was wondering if I could... ummm... take you out for lunch sometime? You're a really amazing person and I'd like to get to know you better" Tae smiles at you waiting for your answer. "Oh wow... I'd love to!" You smile back at Tae and giggle slightly at your fast answer. "Oh wow! I didn't think you'd say yes!" He looks away shyly before walking back to the other six. "Welcome back guys" Jin smiles. "Hey Y/N are you doing anything right now?" Jungkook asks. "I was just about to head to the beach but i don't have to" you reply quickly. "Oh cool. Do you wanna maybe hang out with us? We're going to the arcade round the corner and could use some company" Jungkook looks hopeful. "Oh id love to!" You smile back and see everyone's face light up with a smile. Hoesek grabs your hand and runs round the corner to outside the arcade with the others following closely behind. "After you my lady" Hoesek moves his hand out infront of you. "Let's have some fun" You smile before jumping inside.

Well what will happen next? Until next chapter my lovelies :3

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