Day three- continued again

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Yooo waddup. It's everyone's favourite boiii! Now I know this is another continuation of day three but trust me. This is my favourite book and it's gonna get better. If you want to see more of a specific member just lemme know. This book might alsoooo (probably) have multiple endings! Ok enough rambling imma get onto the book now :3


"How much further is your guys' apartment we've been walking for miles!" You moaned as you kept walking. "Not much further now Y/N. If you want I can carry you" Taehyung said smiling. "That would be amazing my feet are killing me" you cheered before Tae picked you up bridal style. After about 5 minutes of more walking you are standing outside a beautiful apartment. Your jaw drops just looking at it. "Wait until you see the inside" Namjoon said smirking and you jump at the sudden noise. As you walk inside your drops even further when you see all the neatly arranged books and cameras in the living room. There's two white sofas (or couches if you're not from England) in front of a perfect glass coffee table and a giant TV on the wall. "Wow. Your apartment is beautiful!" You stares in awe at everything. You had only just noticed the perfect giant window with books draped on the ledge. "I'm glad you like it Y/N" Yoongi couldn't help but smile when he saw how much you liked their home. "Ok guys. Where is Y/N gonna sleep?" Hoesek chirped up. It was as if the stars had aligned when they all said simultaneously "she can sleep in my bed!" You giggled to yourself when jimin started jumping with his hand held up like he was still in school. "Wow. Somebody's an eager beaver" everyone burst out laughing when you made the comment towards jimin, even Yoongi. "Well Y/N take your pick of bed" Namjoon gestured towards everyone looking excited. "Oh wow. Ummmmmm. (This is when I note I've been sat here trying to think of a member to put here for like ten minutes) alright I'll sleep with Jimin" you said looking towards Jimin as his face lit up and he picked you up and smiled happily. "Yes!!! Thank you Y/N!!" Jimin sang happily! All the other guys just seemed to roll their eyes at how flirty Jimin was being. The room fell silent for a bit before Yoongi spoke up. "All Right boys we've gotta cook dinner. Jin I presume you're gonna do that. Hoseok I'm guessing you're gonna start playing video games or something. Namjoon try not to make a mess. And Jimin. Try not to kill Y/N in the next 5 minuets" yoongi exclaimed why everyone actually went to do what they were told. "Damn yoongi. And I thought namjoon and Jin were the parents here" you chuckled at the statement you had just made. "Well somebody has to take responsibility when everyone is gawking at you from head to toe" yoongi gave you that gummy smile before he then proceeded to eye you up and down. You blush at his actions and go sit next to Hoseok who was busy playing video games. "Whatcha playing?" You chirped looking at the boy who had been engulfed into the game well and truly. "To be honest with you Y/N I'm not even sure" he laughed before stopping the game and walking into a room you presume was his. You get up from the floor and go help Jungkook who was setting the table. "Kookie you know you've only got 7 plates out right. There's 8 of us right?" You question as you only see 7 plates set out. Before Jungkook had time to answer Jin walked out of the kitchen holding a bowl. "Jungkook prefers to eat in his room. Being the youngest we kind of let him do whatever. He's the maknae and we gotta look after him" Jin hands Jungkook a bowl of food and he walks into another room witch again you presumed was his own. Suddenly you heard a loud crash followed by a slight yelp. "Namjoon what did you break?!" Yoongi yells but not too loud. "He broke a glass" Jin shrugged it off like it happened all the time. You walk into the kitchen to see Namjoon holding the air where the glass once was. "I just wanted to get Y/N a drin-" namjoon was cut off by your motherly instincts screaming "oh my god! Joonie you're bleeding!" You run to grab a cloth by the sink and wet it before placing it on namjoon's bleeding hand. "Y/N it's really nothing. I get hurt all the time" namjoon said quietly as you got lost in his eyes. You started leaning in closer but before you got close enough Jin had yelled "dinners ready guys!" 
"Until next time beautiful" Namjoon winked before going to sit down. You saw out the corner of your eye that Jungkook had made his way out of his room and behind Yoongi who was sat on the floor and around the table. You take a seat on the floor in between Hoseok and Namjoon who's hand was still bleeding. "Well guys, dig in!" Jin said proudly as everyone reached for some Kim-Chi in a bowl. After dinner, you all sat around the sofa with pillows and blankets galore watching a movie that you picked. Being you, you put on It. Jimin turned the lights out and sat back down. You put a blanket over yourself and snuggled up to Jin who had his arm around your waist. Taehyung was cuddled up to your legs keeping them warm. Namjoon was running his hands through your hair and yoongi was holding your hand. You weren't sure where Jungkook and Hoseok were but you knew they were near you. You started to feel sleepy and you slowly started closing your eyes. Before you knew it you were fast asleep in all of their arms. The one thing you heard before you fell asleep was "goodnight beautiful" which was whispered into your ear by Namjoon who then lightly kissed your forehead...


Ok I am so so so so so so so so so sorry that this took forever to update. I've been so busy with school and shit. I honestly love this book so much and it actually took me so long to work out who's bed you'd be sleeping in. I bet you weren't expecting Namjoon to almost kiss you!! That was something I really wanted it to happen but I'm cruel so not yet. Welp until next time my lovelies~

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