Day four.

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Ok so I had this chapter all ready to upload but wattpad messed up and deleted my draft!!!!! I'm so angry rn! I had such good content in it!! Oh well imma just re-write it. Love ya guys. Hope you enjoy!

You finally wake up in one of the softest beds you'd ever been on. You look over to your left and expect to see Jimin but that wasn't the case. The man laying next to you was... Jungkook. You screamed loudly and fall out of the bed seeing that you were only in a bra and some underwear. You see everyone else rush into the room and you try and cover up your half naked form. "Jungkook what's Y/N doing in your bed. She was supposed to be sleeping with jimin!" Yoongi yells. Namjoon hands you his t-shirt to put on to keep you somewhat covered. "Thank you Joonie" you smiled at him before letting your eyes wander to his now bare chest. Tae coughs loudly, alerting you of your current situation once more. You look away and blush slightly before you feel a hand on your back. You gasp and the cold and before looking up and see it was Jin offering to help you up. You take his hand before saying a quick thank you and pulling the t-shirt down trying to cover your butt from the boys behind you. "So... Jungkook. Why was Y/N in your bed?" Hoseok pipes up. You shyly look in Junkook's direction waiting for an answer. "I didn't like the idea of her sleeping in Jimin's bed because he's Jimin! He flirts and stuff! I was just jealous! I'm sorry Y/N! I wasn't thinking right!!" Jungkook pleads in your direction hoping you'd accept his apology. "Jungkook it's fine. I know what guys are like. But one question... why am I only wearing my bra and underwear?" You ask before looking behind you only to see everyone staring at your butt. "Oh I'm sure there's a perfectly acceptable reason for this" Yoongi groans sarcastically before rolling his eyes. "Yoongs don't be like that" you say before shooting a death glare in his direction. "Y/N got really hot and I didn't want her to overheat so I took her clothes off for her. I promise I didn't do anything else Y/N" Jungkook says making you jump as you were still giving yoongi a death glare. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm starving. I'm gonna go make some breakfast" Jin smiles before exiting to room- presumably to escape the awkwardness in the room. "I'm gonna go help Jin cook!" Tae chirps. You giggle at his childish nature and look towards Namjoon. He swiftly walks over to you and whispers in your ear "I'm gonna take a shower. Care to join me beautiful?" He smirks and pulls away leaving you speechless. "Haha calm down. You know where to find me if you make up your mind" he winks before walking out of his room. Jimin walks out the room with Hoseok and go and play video games. "Well I'm gonna go back to bed and try and sleep for a little bit longer" yoongi groans before shuffling out of the room. You smile at how grumpy he looked. You look over to the bed and see that Jungkook wasn't there anymore. You look around the room and nothing. He's not in there anymore.  You walk out of the room and see Jin and Tae cooking something that smells delicious. "Umm guys... do you know what room Namjoon's in?" You say quietly. You see Tae giggle a little bit before he gives you his adorable box smile and saying "he's in the last room down the hall. The one on the left" you smile back and say a quick thanks and make your way down the hall. You were standing outside his door for a few minutes thinking about whether or not you actually wanted to go in. In the end, you knocked on the door and waited. A few seconds later Namjoon opens the door with nothing but a shirt on. You feel your face heats up instantly. "Ah Y/N! Finally decided to come take a shower with me?" He smirked. It was at this second that you knew you made the right decision

Hahaha im so evil!
Sorry about not updating in a while!

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