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I brushed my long brown hair and had a small braid in my hair. I slipped on a red sparkly dress with black high heels. I was getting ready to celebrate with my best friends at a club. I was celebrating graduating college and passing my teachers exam.

"Come on Melanie let's go!" Jane yelled with a smile.

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I put on my earrings and necklace.

I walked down the stairs and smiled as I saw Jane and Rachel at the door.

"Let's go and meet some hot guys!" Rachel yelled happily.

I let out a laugh and followed them into the car and drove to the club. We made it to the club and I smiled as I went to the bar and grabbed a drink. I took a sip and smiled as I saw a guy sit beside me. He turned to look at me and smiled softly.

"Names Jonathan and you are?" He asked with a smile.

"Names try again." I said with a smile.

"Well Miss try again nice to meet you." He said with a smile.

"Melanie I'll see you later I just met a hot guy...... and it seems you did also, I won't be home." Jane said sending me a wink.

"So your name is Melanie." He said with a smile as she walked away.

"Maybe..... maybe not." I said with a smile.

I let out a laugh as Rachel came up to me.

"Won't be home. Find a ride." She said with a wink.

She made it out of the club and I turned to see the man send me a smile.

"I'll see you later Mr. Jonathan." I said getting up.

I moved to leave but tripped and fell landing in Jonathan's lap. I looked up to see I came face to face with him.

"Looks like your falling for me." He said with a laugh.

"Dream on." I said with a smile as I went to stand.

I stood up and went to fall again. He helped me stand and I smiled up at him.

"I think you hurt your leg." He said helping me sit down.

He checked my leg and smiled up at me.

"I should go home to rest my leg." I said with a smile.

"How about I drive you home since your ride left?" He asked with a smile.

"I think that would be alright." I said with a smile.

He picked me up and I let out a squick and he smiled as he carried me outside to his motorcycle.

"A motorcycle I think your trying to win me over." I said smiling at him.

"Maybe I am, Maybe I'm not." He said with a smile.

He got onto the motorcycle and I got on behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Here put this on don't want you to hurt that pretty little head." He said handing me a helmet.

I smiled as I felt butterflies at how he smiled at me. I put my head on his shoulder and he started the motorcycle and started to drive toward the apartments. I smiled as we stopped and I looked around to see apartments and I smiled happily.

"I thought you where taking me home?" I asked with a smile.

"My place was closer and I didn't want your leg to get worse." He said with a smile.

He picked me up and I smiled as he carried me inside his apartment and laid me on the couch. He got some ice and put it on my leg and. I smiled as I watched him.

"Thank you for this." I said with a smile.

"Your welcome." He said with a smile.

"So what do you do Mr. Jonathan?" I asked with a smile.

"I teach." He said holding my leg.

"Really that's cool......You know I think my leg is better." I said smiling at him.

"Are you sure? I like holding your leg."

I raised a eyebrow and he let out a laugh.

"I think I drank to much." He said with a laugh as he let go of my leg.

I smiled as he stood up and went to grab me a drink. I smiled at him and watched as he set the drink down and turned to look at me.

"If you want you can stay the night here I have a change of clothes you can use." Jonathan said with a smile.

"Sure." I said smiling up at him.

"You can take my bed I'll sleep on the couch." He said handing me clothes.

"Or we can share the bed. I trust you." I said smiling up at him.

"Alright I'll carry you." He said picking me up.

The next morning I woke up snuggling into Jonathan's chest. I smiled as I raised up and looked down to see him asleep. I moved away from him and stretched before getting out of the bed. I walked into the bathroom and then came out to look for my dress.

"Looking for something?" A voice asked playfully.

I smiled as I looked up to see him holding my dress.

"May I have my dress back?" I asked with a laugh.

"Only if I get something in return Mrs. Melanie." He said with a laugh.

"Really pray tell what?" I asked walking up to him.

"A kiss." He said with a smile.

I walked over to him and set on the bed beside him and went to kiss him, I grabbed my dress and stood up leaving him without a kiss. I put it in my bag and looked at myself in the mirror. I was in one of Jonathan's shirts and baggy pants.

"I have a job interview this afternoon so I guess I'll see you around. Oh and I'm keeping the clothes, call me if you want it back." I said writing my number on a piece of paper.

I laid it on his table and he smiled before grabbing it as I went to leave.

"Oh see you later Mr. Jonathan." I said with a smile.

"I'm planning on it!" He called after me.

I smiled as I made it outside and then laughed before walking back inside.

"Can I borrow your phone to call a taxi?" I asked with a smile.

"I have a better idea how about I drive you to your place..... after I shower." He said with a smirk.

"You could always take a shower at my place." I said playfully.

He grabbed a shirt and pants and slipped them on before grabbing work clothes. I let out a laugh as he dragged me to his motorcycle and drove me home. After I showered in my bathroom and he showered in the guest room we both changed and I started to pack.

"Going somewhere?" He asked slipping on his shirt.

"Yea I'm moving in with my parents so I can get this new job as a teacher." I said as I buttoned up my shirt.

"So will I ever see you again?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't." I said pecking his cheek.

After he left I got everything packed and placed in my car to go to my parent's house.

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