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It was Christmas time and all of us where celebrating together. I smiled as I set beside Shawn and had Auggie in my lap.

"Aunty Mel why aren't you and Uncle Jon married?" Auggie asked softly.

"Well we just haven't made it their yet." I said with a smile.

"But don't you love each other?" He asked softly.

"Of course we do." I said with a smile.

"Then why aren't you married?" He asked again.

"He has a point. You guys have been together for nearly eighteen years why aren't you married yet?" Shawn asked as Auggie left.

"Cause the idiot won't ask me. I have been waiting since the day Eli was born and I still have got nothing. Not even a indication that he wants to marry me." I said with a sigh.

"You guys are still the same. I mean it's obvious that you are soulmates, but are to stubborn to ask the other to get married." He said laughing.

"Now that I think of it where is my idiot?" I asked looking around.

"Oh Jon left to go get something." Cory explained.

"That man never tells me anything." I said shaking my head.

I got up and started to help Topanga with everything. I laughed as Mom and Dad come up stairs and hug everyone.

"Now where is that idiot Jonathan Turner?" Dad asked looking around.

"He went to get something. Shouldn't be gone long." I said with a smile.

My mom looked at me and then squealed happily as she hugged me.

"Why are you so happy?" Dad asked confused.

"When did you find out?" She asked smiling at me.

"A week ago. Jon doesn't know yet do keep it quiet." I said with a smile.

"Know what?" Cory asked confused.

"I'm pregnant again." I said with a smile.

"Yay!" Riley and Maya scream hugging me.

I laugh as I hug them back and then I ask everyone to keep it from Jonathan because I am giving him a gift that will tell him.

"Hey Guys Sorry it took me so long I had to pic something up." Jonathan said smiling as he walked into the apartment.

I smiled as he set beside me and then we had Christmas dinner. Eli set beside me while we ate and we talked about college.

"So how are you enjoying college?" I asked smiling happily.

"I love it. My teacher is awesome. He has taught me so much. He also has the same name as me. Eli Williams, he told me he knew both of you." Eli said with a smile.

"He hasn't told you any stories right?" Jonathan asked with a smile.

"Oh yea told me that mom once asked him to a Turnaround dance so she could make you jealous. Also something about dropping you off at mom's apartment door when you where drunk and you both owe him." He said confused.

"That's how you got to my house that night. I should have known." I said shaking my head.

"Well if he hadn't of taken me to your house that night Eli wouldn't be here." Jonathan said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and we laughed as Eli looked at us confused.

"Your a drunk baby." I explained.

"Both of you where drunk when you conceived me?" He asked shocked.

"No only me. Now that I think about it your mother was sober which means she did like me back then." Jonathan said with a smirk.

"We have been together for eighteen years you idiot. Of course I liked you back then. I just didn't want to put up with you." I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

Everyone laughed and I smiled as Jonathan took my hand in his under the table. We finished dinner and then everyone went to bed, the next morning we woke up and watched the kids open presents. I smiled as Auggie hugged me for getting him a kite and Riley squealed as I got her make up and Maya art supplies. It got to both mine and Jonathan's gifts and we open them at the same time. I looked confused as I unwrapped mine to a box, with a letter inside.

"Dear Melanie Matthews,

I met you on a Wednesday in the year 1994. You had your long brown hair down and a small braid in it. You wore a red sparkly dress with black high heels. When we first met I thought you where like everyone else, but I was wrong. You are so much more. You are kind, loving, honest, and sometimes crazy. You where the first woman I ever really loved and you changed me. You showed me who I could be when you pushed me to be there for Cory and Shawn. You are my everything and I hope you will say yes.

Jonathan Turner"

I looked at him confused and he smiled as he pulled out a ring and got down on one knee.

"Will you Melanie Matthews do me the honor of becoming Melanie Turner?" He asked with a smile.

"Only if you open that box." I said with tear-filled eyes.

He looked at me confused before he open the box and burst out laughing as he pulled out a rattle and receipt.

"God I love you." He said pulling me into a short kiss.

"I'm confused." Riley said looking at me.

"After Eli was born I made a bet with Jonathan that I would be pregnant with our second kid before he proposed to me." I explained with a smile.

"Seriously? You guys kill me." Shawn said with a laugh.

"Yea well I only gave him a receipt because he bet that by the time I was pregnant with another child you would be engaged to be married. So I don't really get to keep the money." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Everyone laughed as Jonathan hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He whispered softly.

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