Chapter 7: Under the Stars

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 "I have a proposal," Caspian says.

I sit down in the empty space next to Edmund. "What's going on?"

"War plans," he says.

"We should strike the castle," Caspian declares.

"No!" Susan and Lucy say.

"Yes!" Peter and Edmund shout back.

"We can't just sit here like cowards," Trumpkin says, "If we don't attack them first, they'll attack us."

"He's right," I chime in, "Miraz isn't a patient man, he's probably already expecting us."

"Sure, why don't we just injure more people?" Susan scoffs.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Peter snaps.

"Please!" Caspian stands up. "At least let Susan share her perspective."

Susan stands up. "What good will it do to strike the castle right away? Melanie, you said it yourself. He's expecting it. That means they'll be well prepared. I say we occupy the castle grounds as a threat and try to sort something out from there."

"With all due respect, Susan," Edmund says, "I think Trumpkin and Melanie were trying to say that if we wait too long, it'll be too late to do anything."

I nod in agreement. "Your idea wasn't bad at all, but the longer we wait the more prepared they'll be."

"So are we striking the castle or not?" Trumpkin grumbles.

Peter looks over at a group of centaurs. "If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?"

"Or die trying, your majesty," he bows.

"That's what I'm worried about," Lucy says softly.

"This is a war, Lucy," Peter says, "What else do you expect?"

"Peter!" Susan shouts, "Don't talk to her like that, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I beg your pardon, your majesty," a mouse pipes up, "But Queen Lucy has a point. Continue with the plan if you must, but let's try to take everyone's thoughts into consideration."

Caspian nods. "We'll strike tomorrow morning. They won't expect us during the day."

Lucy sighs. "Be careful, all of you." She gets up and walks back to the tent.

Susan glares at Caspian. "You're making a huge mistake." She storms off after Lucy.

I start to get up after her, but Edmund gently grabs my arm.

"Can you meet me out here later tonight?"

I blink absentmindedly. "For what?"

"Just to talk. After everyone's asleep?"

"Yeah sure, I can, uh-"

Edmund smiles. My cheeks grow hot.

"I'll see you then." He walks away and leaves me flustered.


My heart is racing. I sit up in bed and quietly slip on my boots. I really don't know what to expect, Edmund and I's conversations have been pretty casual. At least I think they are. I put on my cloak as I contemplate my emotions. Why were my hands shaking? Why do I feel so nervous?

"Where are you going?" Susan rubs her eyes.

My heart jumps. "Outside."

She leans on her elbow and raises an eyebrow. "By yourself?"

"No, I'm going to talk to Edmund." My voice shakes slightly.

Susan laughs. "Oh, I get it."

"What?" I ask.

"You're fine, don't worry," she reassures me, "Ed's been talking about you. It makes sense now."

"Oh, I didn't know," I say awkwardly. Talking about me? What is there to say?

Susan yawns. "It's totally fine. I'm going back to sleep, but be careful, you're a big target to the Telmarines if they find out you're still alive."

Once I'm outside, I run into someone, causing them to trip.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" I whisper.

It's Caspian. He looks nervous and in a hurry.

"Why are you awake?" he asks.

"I'm going to talk to someone, why are you?"

Caspian's eyes dart around. "Just going for a walk." He's lying. I can tell. But who am I to stop him?

"Be careful, Miraz is is looking for both of us." I eye him suspiciously and walk away.


"You wanted to talk?" I sit down on a log covered in moss.

"A little, I don't want to keep you up the night before this war starts."

"What did you want to talk about?" I start picking pine needles off of a twig.

There's a pause before Ed speaks. "You need to be more sure of yourself," he says.

I look up from the twig, confused. "Me?"

"Yes, you," he says, "You're here for a reason."

I look back at my feet. "I'm here because I couldn't stand living in Miraz' castle with people who didn't appreciate me."

"Isn't that a reason?" Edmund asks, "You keep saying how little you've done, but look at you now. You're fighting back with a whole army of Narnians who believe in you."

I scrunch my eyebrows together. "Why are you doing this?"

He sighs. "Because I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I needed to tell you just in case something happens and I never get the chance to."

"Edmund, I-"

"Nothing you say to me right now is going to change my mind."

I press my lips together, trying to come up with a reasonable reply. "You're one of the best kings Narnia has ever known, there's no doubt in my mind that you'll be ok tomorrow."

"Perfect," he smiles, "Then I can tell you again."

I laugh. "That's it, then? You dragged me out of bed for that?"

Edmund sighs. "Well, when you say it like that it sounds stupid."

"It isn't, I appreciate the thought," I say, "If you're not in a rush to go to sleep, I'd love to hear about some of your adventures."

His face lights up. "And I'd love to tell them to you."

We lie under the stars as Edmund tells me stories of his first visit to Narnia, how he met Aslan, his first encounter with the White Witch. It's making me think of him in a more positive light, my history books were definitely harsher than they should've been.

"You wouldn't believe how awful I was. I basically betrayed my whole family for some-"

Edmund's story is interrupted by footsteps. We get up off the ground and crouch behind a rock.

"Caspian?" I whisper.

He slowly approaches us. "Melanie, I have someone who wants to see you."

I stand up and gasp. It's Doctor Cornelius.

The Forgotten Princess: A Narnia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now