Chapter 12: A Fight to the Death

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"Peter," I say sternly, "Before you go, I have some advice."

Peter stops what he's doing. He's clearly nervous, but is doing his best not to show it.

I sit him down and look him straight in the eyes.

"You and Miraz are both strong fighters, I've seen it."

Peter nods and anxiously waits for me to continue.

"The one thing that hurts him the most is humiliation," I say, "That's why he kept me away."

"So you're saying if I make him seem weaker than me, it will discourage him?" Peter asks.

"Exactly," I say, "Once his face shows any sign of self doubt or defeat, that's when you end it."

He concentrates for a second, then shakes my hand.

"Thank you so much," His handshake is tense and nervous, but I've never had more faith in Peter than I do at this very moment.

"Not a problem," I say reassuringly, "Come find me if you need a pep talk or anything." I start to walk away.

"Mel?" Peter says timidly.

"Yeah?" I glance over my shoulder.

"You're a great soldier."


"Ladies and gentlemen," a Telmarine soldier announces, "It is time to decide the fate of this land."

I don't know where Caspian is. Lucy and Susan have gone to look for Aslan, which I'd heard Lucy talking about for days. I'm standing with Edmund and the edge of the crowd. His eyes are fixed on Peter, worried about the coming events. The reward for winning is total surrender, so this could go two completely different ways.

The soldier extends his arm towards Miraz. "Here we have Miraz, King of the Telmarines."

The Narnians remain silent, giving hateful glares. The Telmarines cheer wildly. Miraz makes eye contact with me and smirks. His eyes taunt me, almost mocking the fact that he's about to fight a swordsman half his age and that I even believe that the Narnians will succeed.

"And here we have Peter Pevensie, High King of Narnia."

The Narnians cheer respectfully, but aren't over-the-top about it. The Telmarines, however, act like disrespectful children. They shout and spit in Peter's direction. Edmund clenches his fist and I hold onto his arm.

"They're all talk, just like Miraz," I say softly.

He looks at me, then back at the crowd. "You're right."

"This is a fight to the death," the soldier says once the crowd dies down, "As you all know, the reward is total surrender."

He steps back. "Draw your swords."

Miraz takes his out with ease, staring at Peter with an over-confident smile. Peter does the same, but with a more intimidated look.

The soldier raises his hand. "Proceed!"

I'm briefly blinded by the glint of the two swords hitting sunlight, but that soon goes away as Peter and Miraz begin their battle. Doctor Cornelius anxiously watches Miraz swing at Peter relentlessly.

"His form is all off," Edmund mutters, "This shouldn't take long."

"I hope you're right," Doctor Cornelius says.

Caspian pushes through the roaring crowd. "Did I miss anything?" he asks.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"Susan was in trouble," he explains, "She's okay now."

I open my mouth to ask why, but Peter suddenly falls back.

"No!" I shout, lunging forward. Edmund grabs my hand and pulls me back. His face is sickly pale as he watches his brother rise to his feet and continue fighting. The Narnians cheer with encouragement. Peter advances on Miraz, causing him to lose the smugness he was wearing moments before.

Peter makes eye contact with me for a split second. I nod, as if to say "Now."

Peter swings under Miraz' torso and slices a cut into his knee. He falls to the ground.

"Come on," Edmund says under his breath.

I squeeze Edmund's arm tighter. I want to look away, but I can't. I wait for Peter to singlehandedly end the war, but he merely stands with his sword over his head, not moving.

Miraz looks up at the sword, which is positioned at a dangerous angle. His life will end if Peter makes the right move. But Miraz does something I never expected him to do in the face of death. He laughs.

"Coward," he shakes his head and turns to the Telmarine army, "Look at this, Peter Pevensie! High King of Narnia!"

Peter's face burns, but he doesn't put his sword down. Miraz looks back at him and smiles that horrible smile.

"What's the matter with you?" he sneers, "Too afraid to take a life?"

Peter grips his sword tighter, but then lowers it. The Narnians gasp.

"It's not mine to take," he says.

He marches over to Caspian and places the sword in his hands.

"Do this for your father," he says.

Caspian, hands trembling, does not hesitate. He stands in front of Miraz with hate in his eyes. Miraz doesn't move. This is it. I'm going to watch my cousin murder the man who abused and mentally tortured me for years, surrounded by creatures he had always insisted to be a figment of my imagination.

"Perhaps I was mistaken about you," he says, "You may be a real Telmarine after all."

Caspian's eyes widen. In a rush of vengeance, he cries out. I squeeze my eyes shut as he plunges his sword into...the ground?

"Not one like you," he says, "Keep your life, but I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom."

There are a few moments of silence. I half expect Miraz to spring to his feet and kill Caspian, but to my surprise, he weakly stands up and shakes his hand.

"If that is what you wish, I promise," he says.

Trumpkin groans. "You've got to be kidding me." Ed and I look down at him with confusion. "I wanted to see a bloodbath!"

Before anyone can react, an arrow sinks into Miraz' back. He cries out in pain and falls back to his already-weak knees. He pulls it out; it's a Narnian arrow, but there is no possible way it got to his back from our side with the way he was standing. It had to be released by a Telmarine. I look up and see General Glozelle; the same guard that essentially saved my life when I ran away. Miraz looks into my eyes.

"Traitor," he wheezes.

I don't know what to say. I'm frozen with shock as I watch the life drain from his eyes.

The Forgotten Princess: A Narnia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now