Chapter 11: Confrontation

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I'm just about to fall asleep in the tent when I hear soft crying. I sit up and see Lucy sound asleep, but Susan is not. I'm not sure if I'm in any position to comfort her, but it can't hurt to try. I know I always want someone to talk to when I'm sad.

"Are you alright?" I sit next to her on her bed.

She rubs her eyes. "Yes, I'm just worried about the war."

I nod. "I know this sounds cliche, but everything will be fine."

"You think so?" she says.

"I know so," I say, "Peter and Edmund are very experienced with this sort of thing, and your archery is amazing. And if you're worried about Caspian, I wouldn't be."

She hugs her knees into her chest. "I think I love him."

It was so strange to hear her admit this to me, since we had only met a few days ago. I figure it's because I don't talk to many people, or maybe she finds security in the fact that we haven't known each other long.

"What's it like?" I ask.

"Love?" Susan laughs. "I thought you already knew."

"What do you mean?" I say.

"You and Ed," she says, "I know it's a bit soon, but you have a spark. Everyone can tell, and who knows how long we'll stay in Narnia. I think you should take advantage of it."

Of all the things I had thought about Ed thus far, "love" hadn't crossed my mind. Then again, what would I know?

I stare into the distance. "Where do you go when you leave Narnia?"

Susan sighs. "England. I have a feeling we'll be back in a week or so, I'm honestly dreading school."

"Where is England?" I ask, "Is it close to Narnia?"

"Not in the slightest," Susan says, "It's almost like they're worlds apart."

"Well," I say, "If you're still worried about Caspian, he's quite stubborn when it comes to defending his family. And I don't mean Miraz."

Susan shakes her head. "I just wish I could tell him how I feel."

"Take your own advice then," I smile, "Like you said, who knows how long you'll have left together?"

She smiles back. "You're right. Thank you so much, Melanie. I really appreciate it."

"Of course," I smile and head back to my bed.

"One more thing," Susan says softly.

"Sure, what is it?" I ask.

"Lucy keeps saying she's seen Aslan," she explains as she lays on her back, "But none of us have. Do you think she's really seeing him or is something wrong?"

I think for a few seconds. "I dunno. Honestly, all I know about Aslan is from stories."

"Right, sorry, I keep forgetting that you aren't a Narnian," she sighs, "I just want to know why I haven't seen him."

I tuck myself under the blankets. "Maybe you don't really want to."


"We can't do this alone," Peter says gravely, standing at the edge of the Stone Table, "Telmarine troops are bound to be on their way soon, if not already."

"We need Aslan," Lucy says, "I can find him for us."

"Lu, you're not going alone," Peter shakes his head.

"I wish you'd all stop treating me like a little kid," she rolls her eyes, "I might be small, but I grew up here, too. I've fought in plenty of battles. Plus, I'm the only one who's seen him recently."

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