Chapter 8: Disagreement

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"Where did you find him?" I say as tears well up in my eyes.

"I went back to the castle," Caspian says.

"You what?" Edmund emerges from behind the rock.

"He was imprisoned by Miraz, he knows what happened to my father," he says, clearly out of breath.

"Caspian," I hiss, "You could've died!"

"Did you not think to run this by anyone else?" Edmund stands next to me.

"Nobody would've understood," Caspian says.

"Fantastic!" I roll my eyes. "Now I'm sure they're expecting us!"

"I hate to interrupt, but Melanie is right," Doctor Cornelius adds, "You could've waited until tomorrow."

"How did you even manage to get past the guards?" I ask.

"I stole some armor off one of the ones we killed last night." Caspian sits down and sighs. "Forgive me, please. Doctor Cornelius was the only person left in that castle that didn't belong there."

"I forgive you, but just remember that what you did could've ruined our whole plan," I turn around and head back towards the tents. I hear Edmund follow me quickly after.

"Is everything okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine, but I'm not sure about our army now," I grumble, "You should get some sleep, sorry I made you stay up."

Edmund stops me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Don't be sorry, I'm not mad at you. I never was."

I don't know what to say. He pulls me in and hugs me, not too firmly, but a perfect embrace that I can't describe.

I pull away, despite enjoying the hug more than I'll admit. "Thanks for the advice."

Edmund doesn't say anything, he just studies my face for a second.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm just-" he starts to say.


He looks around quickly. "Nevermind. I'll see you tomorrow."


Morning couldn't have come faster. I wake up to the sun piercing the tent walls and I stretch myself into consciousness.

Last night must've been a dream. Did I really see Doctor Cornelius again, and what exactly happened with Edmund?

"How was your night?" Susan asks with a wink.

I blush. "It was fine, nothing too exciting."

"I'm sure we'll be hearing about it all day," she laughs.

"Hearing about what?" Lucy asks.

I blush harder and pretend to be distracted by getting dressed.

Lucy smiles. "Ohh, I know what it is." They both laugh.

"Come on, let's not give her a hard time," Susan ruffles Lucy's hair.

The three of us leave our tent to find Peter and Caspian arguing as Edmund sits quietly to the side. Doctor Cornelius and Trumpkin watch with annoyed expressions.

"Will you two stop?" I shout.

Both boys instantly become silent and look at me.

"You're acting like children. What happened last night can't be changed, no amount of bickering will fix anything. What we need to do is figure out a plan that will help us defeat the Telmarines!"

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