chapter 6

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I wasnt alone.

I don't know how or why, but I was not as alone as I thought.

I heard it.

A cough.

It was quiet but it was there.

I slowly unlocked my stall, looking out.

I was quickly met with the miserable eyes of one Connor Murphy.

Not as nice as his sister.

Not nice at all in fact.

I don't think I've ever heard of Connor being nice.

'Are you ok'

He was the second Murphy sibling to ask me that today.

There was something about him.

I didnt wanna lie to him.

I didnt wanna speak either.

I only shook my head no. I wasnt ok.

Connor smiled slightly, and I couldn't read it.

I hated that I couldn't read it.

'Niether am I'

His voice was sure and steady. Everything I wanted to be.

I didnt reply.

He didn't say anything else.

We both stared at eachother in soft silence.

It was comfortable.

I liked it.

I've been bored so you will get a lot of these.

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