Chapter 19

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'Why have the Murphys become the plague'

I ignored Jared words.

I was just lucky that he was driving me home today.


Jared started, his left eye squinting a bit.

That was his nervous tic and I had become used to it rather quick.

'What did happen with Connor'

I thought about the question, frowning and grabbing at the ends of my sleeves.

I shook my head slightly, not wanting to think.

'I don't wanna talk about it'

He raised a brow, shocked by my words.

That was to be expected.

I usually only talk to him on his birthday.

And that was when I was 12 and actually cared to remember when his birthday was.

My few words set something lose inside of me, causing my bottom lip to quiver.

Jared quickly pulled into a parking lot, stopping the vehicle.

'Evan, you can talk to me'

He explained.

For a moment, I actually thought I could.

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