Chapter 11

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I walked to my bus stop while eating toast.

I had a small smile.

Everyone glared.

Things went back to feeling normal.

As I boarded the bus I watched the ground carefully.

I wanted to be aware of any misplaced feet.

I didnt get tripped.

I made it to my seat and curled up comfortably.

The people still found things to whisper about.

'-Was talking to Connor'

'-Probably gay-

'-makes sense- -psychos stick together'

They involved Connor this time.

At least with me it was normal.

They loved to make shit up about me.

That's ok.

They always would.

With a small and unheard sigh I leaned back and stretched.

I needed to get out more.

Take a few more walks.

Maybe then my body would fight me so much.

That'd be nice.

I hope they stop involving Connor.

Evans Hansens Narration of LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang