Chapter 16

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Tw: sexual assualt. Oops

I was speaking a bit more lately.

Only to connor though.

Everyone else was stuck with my same old silence.

Some people appreciated my silence, others want to punch me until I speak.

I could care less.

I was walking through the hallways.

This had become a usual thing for me, but for some reason I wasnt seeing Con.

After a few minutes I sighed and rolled my eyes, leaning on a wall.

It was right next to the boys bathroom where I met Connor.

That was nice.

'Hey hansen'

I only approved of Connor calling me that and that voice didn't belong to Connor.

I turned quickly, my eye brows dragging down.

I was met with who I still think is Kurt Kelly.

'Go away'

My voice was still harsh and strained from its lack of use.

Kurt seemed surprised to hear my voice, but that surprise soon turned into joy.

He grabbed my much smaller hand and dragged me into the bathroom.

'I wanna talk Hansen'

He growled.

My eyes widened slightly as I stared at him.

I didnt want to talk to him.

'Here, just-'

He didn't finish his sentence, instead pulling the hand he held downwards.

I watched my hand in shock as it was led towards Kurt crotch.

I didnt pull away.

I didnt know how.

Evans Hansens Narration of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now