Chapter 12

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Once I entered the familiar hallways I was immediately met with Jared.

Jared was different.

He wasnt with or against me.

He was just there, and sometimes that was nice to have.

'Hey acorn'

I'm a tree nerd I'll admit.

Though I wouldn't have admitted it to Jared if I knew this nick name would follow.

I nodded my greeting.

'Heard you had an eventful day in my absence'

He laughed.

I didnt get the humor in it.

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded again as he followed me to my lockers.

'That's good.'

Was it?

I wasnt entirely sure and Jared would be no help.

Jared continued talking and I payed little attention.

That's was just how we were.

It made me feel less alone and gave him someone to rant to.

It worked out.

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