Chapter 20

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Every last little detail.

How Connor made me feel something more.

What Kurt did when we were alone.

Everything I kept to myself.

Jared now knew.

I let it all pour out as one long confession, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.

Jared had never seen me cry.

It was a sign of weakness to me so I didn't do it when I knew people could see.

I felt vulnerable right now.


But Jared didn't laugh at me or make any gesture that could be considered rude.

He only watched me, eyes wider than before.

I waited for him to say something.

I didnt know what I wanted him to say, so I just waited for it to be anything.

'Evan, I-'

He cut himself off, needing time to process his own words.

'That's not your fault'

He told me, looking deep into my eyes and placing a firm hand on my shoulder.

He was lying to me.

Or, it felt like that at least.

'But how- I. I can't face Connor'

I didn't even know why.

Perhaps I felt I'd drag him down.

Maybe I wished I could be pure for him.

I don't care any more.

Evans Hansens Narration of LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant