on loop

35 5 2

repeat repeat

don't stop a second or you'll have to do it all again

replay replay every damn detail 

don't let anything go away from your mind

because right then you might as well die

and cry+replay+repeat

cycle of my OCD

just cry -replay -repeat 

cycle of my OCD

i don't expect you to understand

cuz anything in my mind is a huge trap

i gotta wash wash wash my hands

again and again and again

there is no stopping red sign 

cus i'v already crossed the line

my skin bleeding dry

my heart beating fast

the fear-the shiver on my back

shit i fell for it again 

now i can't take a step back

cry -replay- repeat

cycle of what's driving me crazy

my brain is fucked up 

filled with too many thoughts

thinking of every single drop

was it clean or was it not?!

think think think think


have to change my clothe for the millionth time

time to cry my eyes.....

will i...

ever be free from this sickness inside?

the one that's messing up my mind

making me question everything in existence 

including my own fucking illness 

so i cry.

i replay.

i repeat.

maybe that's just me ?.

                                           The end.

hey i hope you liked this- and it's personal to me so i did the best i could anyway  really hope nobody related to this (OCD sucks) and if you did then stay strong ! we can fight it and we WILL get through it so yeah it doesn't define you and you are more then your OCD. anyway have good day ! and i'll see you next time

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