crave for the lonely

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I can't  open a book

I can't read a word

I can't hug a friend

I can't get too close

I can't ask for love cus love i will lose

so don't touch me

don't treat like i ''deserve''

don't tell me i have a ''worth''.

Don't say you want me to stay cause you'll take it back later..

then i would want to meet my maker.

Don't tell me you love me when i'm okay that's when liars decide to say

then they run away when i can't breath-

when darkness is all i see.

A kiss won't save me so don't try i'm not some snow white

a glass slipper i won't leave behind 

that's cinderella's job at midnight.

your love can't save me just let it go

just let me go 

you'll be okay

this is not your game to play so stay out out of the way

stop being brave for me! it hurts me to see you fight for some light in my eyes..

I promise you they shine but only in disguise 

so don't tempt me to fake a smile

don't tempt me to act okay for awhile

i'll be fine wasting my time looking for an answer to my life

just say good bye! don't give me hope

cause i'll lose it soon and i'll feel alone

i don't need any friends so go now before i get attached -

just keep your love ! i don't need your heart

i'll be alright being ripped apart...

i'm confused..what is it about you that i cannot say a simple ''no'' to?



i'll say ''fine just hug me tight''

i feel alone and i can barely breath..

truth is- i need you more then you need me.

                                                       the end.

okay this one is kinda old but i dunno maybe you guys would like it (you know it would be nice if someone actually  told me their thoughts) anyway i hope you liked it and don't forget to give me your thoughts and that's all i have for now and i'll see you next time!

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