A writer's confession

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If my words were to bleed, would it be blood or ink?

sweet or bitter, the chocolate has ruined the taste on my tongue making  me speak in riddles as if a snake has found it's way down my throat

I speak my thoughts aloud but to  others? the letters hold no sound

i rearrange  the order of a language  to make my own but how can write an emotion?

should you let tears blur the line of sanity or let the photograph blend with words

can art become an emotion? is that what it is? words and pictures with different shades of color and a  million ways to carve on wood,all of it just to speak our minds?

Does it not feel the burden of creation as our minds re do it all to make it perfect , is it too high of a standard ?

We want art to be perfect when we ourselves are flawed to no end

We want the shades to blend even if we reject a color different from the rest

We are the hard definition of hypocrites yet we complain about expectations as we die to fulfill it

I'm no liar - i'v cursed words in anger

i'v cried tears as i wrote a few pages

i'v stressed the word ''perfect'' to be absolute while telling people ''we are human too''

I'm no guilt ridden girl

I have betrayed the words i swore to follow but i still stand by my mistakes  in honor

i'm merely a soldier searching for a new commander in the midst of two faces monsters 

All i know is, Riddles and meanings  do not define the living

The important question is: which are the ones worth solving?

                                                                            The end

Hey i haven't been writing as good as i used to be before the summer vacation but i certainly feel satisfied with this one- it's a new way so what do think? should i write more like this? whatever your opinions are, don't forget to give them to me and if you liked it then vote if you want =)  have a good day !

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