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i'm ready to close my eyes

show the me the sky to satisfy

hug me now before i let go

tell me if you feel alone

and maybe i'll stay till you're old

tell me your favorite song

then maybe i can have some peace when i move on

tell me who you love

i'll have them watch the dawn

cause i'm a ghost of emotion

i'm a soul of devotion to the living

i haunt your heaven with my sadness

show you beauty of the madness

i'm an echo of a beating heart filled with way way too much love mixed and alcohol

i fill the void with your blood

i get you addicted to the numbing drug

i cause the wound then i rub the salt

and continue to watch you fall apart

i'll bring my friends they'll fuck up your life

we'll leave you in pain yet still alive

but you still don't get it

the whole point of this

can't you understand ? this is a test

so get up and fight back!.

call me a bad friend or call me a demon

bad actions good intentions

a mix of hell and heaven

so i must congratulate you on lasting this long

cheer for you for finishing my song

yes i'll leave you in the dark-but remember .....

heroes are never lost.

i actually like this one and i hope you do too !. if the picture of this song isn't clear then don't worry - it's supposed to be like that. anyway let me know your thoughts in the comments and i'll see you next time

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